Is this an Apostate website?

by apocryphal22 54 Replies latest social humour

  • Big Tex
    Big Tex
    many of you appear to be out-of-step with the Faithful and Discreet Slave.

    Is it possible the Faithful and Discreet Slave is out-of-step with God? Or the Bible?

    It is frightening, at first, to begin thinking for oneself. Do it more and more and, who knows, you might just start to live your own life.

  • recovering

    reniaa to quote you "I personally find this the most apostate Jw site on the internet by a about a mile. " you claim that you are in step with the Faithful and Discreet Slave, so how do you reconcile your continued participation here? The fds tell you not to participate in "apostate" websites yet you are here. At least the rest of us are honest. You are a hypocrite.

  • reniaa

    recovering I avoid this pieces of unoriginal witness rhetoric when apostate use it, its for my conscience If I come on here wrong or right, Your own beam in your eye needs work! In the end some on here haven't been witnesses for 20+ years and yet it is still a focal point of their lifes that is how much you have not left being a Jehovah's witness behind!

  • recovering

    Then do not critique others for being out of step with the Faithful and Discreet Slave. You pick and choose yet critisize others for posting anti witness rhetoric. You are disingenous. Why do you not post on a pro JW forum that is sanctioned by the Faithful and Discreet Slave ? Oh thats right there are none. The Faithful and Discreet Slave frowns on independent research of the bible. That should set off all sorts of bells and whistles if you are earnest in your pursuit of bible discussion. Please tell me why are you here ? Consience matter ? That is not what the big shots in the witnesses would call it. The very fact you come on an apostate site makes you an apostate in their eyes. Ray franz got Disfellowshipped for eating a meal with one who was disfellowshipped. I wonder how they would view your continued participation in theologic discussion with those of us who are disassociated. Thats right they would shunn you also.

    Oh and by the way with regards to this comment you made "In the end some on here haven't been witnesses for 20+ years and yet it is still a focal point of their lifes" That is the whole purpose of this site to help those that are recovering from the damage that the WTBS has done to find mutaul support.

  • Homerovah the Almighty
    Homerovah the Almighty

    In the end some on here haven't been witnesses for 20+ years and yet it is still a focal point of their lives that is how much you have not left being

    a Jehovah's witness behind!

    Thats because Reniaa people such as myself have made it a point of social responsibility to bring some awareness to the general public

    of this most dangerous and damaging of religious cults.

    I'm one of those folks that haven't been associated with the JWS for more than 20 years as you say, even though I was born in,

    I started to post here just when a young couple let some of their babies die at a hospital because they refused to give their newborns

    a blood transfusion. So if I can stop someone who is interested in becoming a JWS , I might very well be saving their lives.

    And as another cause your probably aware of how this religion separates families and many times destroys them,

    this is another one of my concerns. This religion by the way has wrecked nothing but havoc into my own family and has caused

    the premature death of my there are some important reasons why people come here to express what they

    have experienced with the full of crap WTS.

  • Mickey mouse
    Mickey mouse

    Wow, who knew being in a cult would have such a deep impact on people so as to affect them for 20+ years?

  • apocryphal22

    Homerovah, I posted this under Jokes & Humor. But your not to far from the truth.

    " Apocryphal22 is a disingenuous hypocrite, he's posted 20 times since joining and he asks just now if this is an apostate web site.

    Just another passing TROLL / JW folks."

    The phrase "your out-of-step" used to bother me allot, now I find the statement to be humorous.

  • Homerovah the Almighty
    Homerovah the Almighty

    Yes I realise that now Apocryphal22 , I shouldn't read posts so quickly , laughs on me....cheers

    As Homer would have said Doh !

  • isaacaustin

    I personally find this the most apostate Jw site on the internet by a about a mile, just looked today and not one person is pro-Jw besides myself. the weirdest aspect is the alternate wt studies they do on here.

    If you mean 'apostate' as defined by the WT....yes this site may very well be on top. Apostate means one who leaves a cause or by definition most of us are apostates of the cultic mind control of the GB.

  • lisavegas420

    the "out of step with the FDS" part made me laugh.


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