It was fantastic watching both of you being baptized today. Before I came to witness it , I just thought 'oh well, that's great, if thats what you want to do then why not ' . I wasnt prepared for how much it would affect me and its made me re-think the whole thing. I felt God was tapping me on the shoulder and making me take note , of which I certainly did. It was an amazing day for me it was for you and I'm so happy for you both. Congratulations ! x
by iknowall558 10 Replies latest jw experiences
congrats folks.........da ninja
IT Support
Best wishes to you both ...
Did I miss some info? What religion? where?
Congratulations where ever !!!I guess UNLESS it is one I left..
password protected and his wife were baptized at the Riverside Gospel Church today. There were 12 ex JWs in attendance , most of which have all come from same congregation in the past year or two. It was amazing to be told that several Christians have been praying for the JWS at the local kingdom hall to come out of the org. for the past few years. Did God answer their prayers ? YES ! When I looked round and took count of all the ex dubs, not including children, the evidence and the realization hit me right there and then that he made this happen. We were there all under the same roof to witness Mark and Gail dedicate their lives to God and Christ.
Wonderful!!!! Thats the GOOD NEWS I love to read..... God bless them on there journey with the LORD
Thanks for filling me in. DAH!!!!
Blithe Freshman
Congratulations to you both!
Mark and Gail, you guys are all wet !
Congratulations !
password protected and his wife were baptized at the Riverside Gospel Church today. There were 12 ex JWs in attendance , most of which have all come from same congregation in the past year or two. It was amazing to be told that several Christians have been praying for the JWS at the local kingdom hall to come out of the org. for the past few years. Did God answer their prayers ? YES ! When I looked round and took count of all the ex dubs, not including children, the evidence and the realization hit me right there and then that he made this happen. We were there all under the same roof to witness Mark and Gail dedicate their lives to God and Christ.
Man, I would love to be a fly on the wall of that kh! Those poor jws probably are panicked..the attack of the Christians...LOL!
Congrats Mark and Gail!!!!!!!!!!!!!