unbaptized, so what! you are a troll as far as I am concerned!
Triblulation is upon us!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
by unbaptized 56 Replies latest watchtower bible
Billy the Ex-Bethelite
Some questions just beg to be asked:
What does "Triblulation" mean?... How is it "upon us"?
Fourteen exclamation points?... Was thirteen not enough?... Was fifteen too many?...
B the X
When I leave the Ranch,signs are everywhere!!..
........................................The Weather is Wierd!!..
..............And..It`s hard to find really good WaterMellon!!
Homerovah the Almighty
I'm sure glad to see my fellow forum participants are still alert and alive. It appears though people aren't recognizing the signs.
Unbaptized is a shining example of registered ignorance of known facts. This is what happens to people who lack an education
particular involving human history.
This kind of psychology is not a healthy and helpful to anyone in any respects and people should be aware of this .
Homer: "This is what happens to people who lack an education particular involving human history."
Yeah well, history repeats itself.
I think there is a storm brewing.
It may be like the hurricane that devastated Galveston in 1900.
They still didn't realize the danger and impact even as the storm came ashore.
The tribulation is upon us? Well, shit.
Now I have to keep my pets in the house because I would hate for the earth to open up and swallow them as was illustrated in the Paradise Lost book.
All kidding aside: If the great tribulation is here, getting hysterical about it isn't gonna solve a thing.
Homerovah the Almighty
Cameo, the point is the select signs of the times of the GT as written in the bible could be placed well in any moment of human history
for last 2000 years and even be placed with greater accuracy in the middle ages, so when someone reads information from apocalyptic religious
cults like the JWS who are trying to superimpose fear into people so they will react in the way they want them to react, hence it pays to analise
that given information to see if it is correct or not. The clue or hint to the truthful answer to all of this is the WTS. is a Publishing House.
Its deceivingly deliberate but that is the truth whether you like it or not.
The WTS has been around as long as they have because they know there are antiquated idiots that will believe them and they've got the numbers
to prove it..
babel on
This really is sad hearing someone panic like this. I can only imagine the quality of life this poor sap leads! How about Jesus words about not being anxious about the day nor the hour! If jehovas witnesses believe that they are protected then whats all the panic about! Its just hard to take a group seriously that thinks the sky is falling everytime something bad is heard on the news, run for the hills chicken little
I'll tell you one thing: If god thinks I"m going to serve him or her just because he's really pissed off and is going to kill billions of people, he can forget it. And anyone who buys into that crap is as useful to me as hemmoroids on an ass.
Apocalyptic doommongering used to be my favorite past time, I was a witness once after all, but now I'm more rational without a doctrinal agenda to follow. People make up these scriptures and biblical predictions simply because they want the world to end but there is nothing divine behind it.
Seems like the apocalyptic doom mongering has'nt gone away, really. Many XJW's just find different rational for their neuroses. Same BS, different explanation.