Just curious. Are there any out there who are not christians, ie. born again pagans , atheists, etc. who still celebrate Christmas?
If you are pagan do you celebrate according to pagan tradition on the solstice with the burning of the yule log, etc. Or do you mix in the christian aspect of it as well? As someone born and raised a JW but now not completely sure of my belief system in general, the holidays are very appealing to someone denied them her whole life, but as far as the christian holidays go I think I might feel odd celebrating them when I don't fully believe in the bible as the unadulterated word of *God*. I am sooo confused. My boys are at the age now (6 years old this Dec.) where they are finding the holidays absolutely fascinating. I did give them their first party for their birthday which they LOVED. Is there anyone else out there who has gone through any of these feelings or has been in a similar situation? I would appreciate any of your experiences.