QUIT PUSHING IT AWAY.................PLEASE..........................

by Warlock 15 Replies latest jw friends

  • Warlock

    I have noticed that part of, if not all of, the problem with some ex-jw's is that they INSIST on pushing their jw experience away.

    Look, you were jw's and that is a fact that YOU CANNOT CHANGE!

    Converted, or born-in. it is a FACT of your life.



    Accept it, and then deal with your life accordingly.

    Can ANYONE change their past? NO!

    What about your future? I don't know, but if you are tormented by your jw past, I will not judge you, and neither should anyone else.

    Do the best that YOU can do, and please, please, please don't forget that I am here to help you as best as I can.

    Accept you past and it will help you deal with the future.


  • dobbie

    Well said Warlock, though it can take time to accept your past. The way i see it now for myself is that it has happened, i regret some things but they can't be undone. I see it as all experience and i am a stronger, wiser person now for having been through it and come out smiling! I also wouldn't have my kids if i hadn't gone along and met my hubby so tho i would change some things/decisions i wouldn't change joining it initially as they are everything to me.

    I can't underestimate getting support to help you through, whether it's from a professional counsellor or good friends, it's so much easier if you just find one person to share it with - but this board is a huge help, esp at first when you might not be ready to talk openly face to face with others.x

  • Warlock


    I can always count on you for something good in the way of words.

    Thank you.


  • LouBelle

    Warlock - the way I see it is that it got me to where I am today - it had a part in creating me...and you know what - I love me.

    You have to accept it for what it is - and make your peace with it as there is sweet blow all you can do about it now - it's done and dusted. Be grateful you are free and use that freedom to make the best of your life now.

  • skeeter1

    You have to accept it for what it is - and make your peace with it as there is sweet blow you can do about it now - it's done and dusted. Be grateful you are free and use that freedom to make the best of your life now.


    And, I might add. Make the best of other's lives as well.

  • free2think

    I see my jw past as something that made me who i am today, its all part of my life experiences. I like who i am today and im not ashamed that i used to be a jehovahs witness, and i do tell people about it when they ask.

    Im just glad that im not one anymore.

  • WTWizard

    It is impossible to just forget it totally. Better to use the experience to at least warn others, so some of them will be spared having it, and to warn ourselves lest we be tempted to go back into the cancer.

  • snowbird

    Well said, Warlock.

    Thank you for being here, even though you are ill-tempered at times.

    I mean that in a good way.

    Peace and love to you.


  • happpyexjw

    LouBelle, I agree with you. On one hand, I would rather have missed some of my JW experiences. On the other, those very things refined me as a person and all together have made me the person I am today, someone I rather like. So I just don't spend too much time regretting the past, but rather relish the present and look forward to the future.

  • Elsewhere

    It's like the show The Dog Whisperer.

    He says the dogs live in the present, not the past. Which is why it is so easy for them to let go of past experiences.

    We should be like the dogs. Live in the present, not the past.


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