The Memorial is a fraud

by truthseeker 11 Replies latest jw friends

  • truthseeker

    I received my Memorial invite this weekend.

    The title of this tract is "Keep Doing This in Remembrance of Me"

    Keep doing what exactly? Those who are used to celebrating Mass and partaking of the bread and wine could be forgiven for imagining that the same thing would happen if they accepted an invite to the Memorial.

    The Memorial speaker tells the audience all that Jesus has done for us.

    This is where the fraud comes in. He describes two flocks with two different hopes, the great crowd has the earthly hope and those of the little flock have the heavenly hope.

    Many of those interested ones who accepted the invitation to attend the Memorial may already have the heavenly hope, but the Memorial talk shuts the "kingdom of heaven" to these ones.

    There is also nothing in the scriptures to indicate that Jesus only allowed the little flock to partake of the emblems.

    And so the audience engages in a kind of pass the parcel game, with the bread and the wine, not knowing who, if anyone is actually going to partake. The net effect is that almost no one partakes, and if they do they are viewed with suspicion.

    So the Memorial invitation which says "Keep doing this in remembrance of me" implies that those attending will partake of the wine and bread because that's what they see Jesus doing, having an evening meal with his disciples.

    Jehovah's Witnesses are NOT celebrating the Memorial of Christ's death in the way that Jesus wanted or commanded, when he said "keep doing this."

    After all, how many meals have you been invited to where there is a table full of food yet no one actually eats?

  • LouBelle

    What I remember about those memorial talks - how very bland they were. There wasn't a sense of deep appreciation of what christ meant (even it it's a story) Very very sombre - no specialness about it.

  • Scarred for life
    Scarred for life

    Truthseeker and LouBelle:

    I agree with both of you.

  • truthseeker

    Not only is it bland, most of the talk is about attending meetings if we truly appreciate all that "Jehovah and Jesus have done for us" and make comments that the inactive should go back to the meetings.

    It's really an infomercial disguised as the Last Supper.

    The idea is to whip you up in a wow! factor frenzy, Christ died for me? How can I show appreciation for what he has done? Answer, attend ALL the meetings and "talk to others" about what you have learnt.

  • Newborn

    Everything from the WT is a fraud, if you ask me.

  • WTWizard

    Not only is it a scam, but a complete waste of time. Jesus hasn't done a damn thing for me--he is dead, and was dead since they killed him. And Jehovah--that Almighty Lowlife Scumbag hasn't done a f***ing thing for me that deserves anything but having Him impeached and made to suffer having His needs frustrated forever in favor of Him fulfilling my greedy wants.

    Of course I will not be there--to waste my time passing a stupid plate of stale crackers and a glass of spoiled grape juice.

  • AuntBee

    I was thinking the same thing when i got my invite at the door yesterday. Instead of "Keep Doing This in Remembrance of Me", it should be more straightforward and say, "Keep watching this in remembrance of Me".

    I usually enjoy having some dialogue with the Witnesses when i run into them, and sometimes set up an appointment. BUt yesterday felt like a 'hit and run'. There was only one woman, and she was hardly looking at me directly, and gave her 15 second comment, handing me the invite, and ran back out to the car that was on the street, and had other people in it, and was still moving!

    I was also wondering about the Watchtower's view of the dating of the book of Revelation. It is usually dated significantly later than the Pauline epistles, so how did anyone know for years that Paul's letters only apply to the 144,000? Would they just say all believers were in that class during those early years?

    I'm going, though. Maybe i can leave some web sites , or Watchtower dollars in the bathroom.


  • apocryphal22

    "Religion is a Snare and a Racket," - J.F. Rutherford

  • wobble

    Truthseeker,it sounds as though you still believe the WT rubbish about 2 classes,a little flock that goes to heaven and a GC that stays on earth.

    That crap was thought up by Judge Druncula (Booze Ratherfraud) and is not in scripture.



  • sir82

    They've changed the outline numerous times. Back when i was a young'un, it went pretty deeply into the original passover celebration, the meaning of Jesus' death, forgiveness of sins, tied in the bread & wine to their symbolic meaning, etc.

    For the past 5-6 years, it's just horribly dry. The theme of the talk could be restated as "Here's why YOU should not even think of eating or drinking this." The word "love" is mentioned I think exactly one time in the whole outline, just in passing, almost as an afterthought.

    For someone who wants to take their religion seriously, it would have to be incredibly discouraging to listen to it.

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