Has that ever happened to you?
In a Jam and Without One Friend
by cameo-d 19 Replies latest jw friends
Witness 007
I recently left my wife and two of the only friends I have left helped me out.....saved my ass. I really need more friends!
yep..........it only made me stronger
One day realized all my Pioneer and Bethel friends had disappeared. That was the day my car broke down.
Yes, it's happened to me.
My sisters turned on me because I was my mother's favorite.
It hurt like the dickens, but, as Ninja said, it made me stronger.
Here's thinking of you, Cammy.
I read once, imagine the person you would want to go through your bedroom dresser drawers at your death, that person is your best friend. Right about now, I don't have anyone that I would give that honor to. Sad, but true.
compound complex
Dear cameo,
I've had pc problems for days and finally got back online.
Write me ...
You will boldly go where you never thought you could go before.
Cameo, I think I know how you feel. When I walked away from the wts I had no one. No family (my kids were all upset with me) and of course, having been a good witness, no worldly friends either. Ironically, that was part of my re-education. Someone I worked with noted my pain and approached me in a very kind manner. We talked and confided in each other and fortunately for me, she was a very well educated, bright person about my own age. She was outraged when I told her about my experiences and she helped me to see that I was being victimized. She taught me a lot about setting boundaries and standing up for myself and we became like sisters. I learned to trust that there were truly good people out there and have since made some wonderful friends. It took time, but it did happen.
IMO the isolation of people that wt teaching causes is one of the most destructive things the organization does. When you try to leave you may have no safety net whatsoever to help you. In my own case I was financially destitute, had no vehicle and a very poor job. However, I hung on and in time all that changed. I agree with the comment made on this thread that it can make you strong though. I know I'm a much stronger person now than I was before.
I hope things turn around for you soon. Meanwhile, your friends here do care.
Homerovah the Almighty
No not myself, I had a few associations/friends from my old hall that as soon as it was known that I wasn't attending meetings
any more got real cold, but either than that no. I think some of reasons for that was I always took it upon myself to social address
JWS with a level of respect and dignity and doing so they in return took me as just a respectable non-believer.
Removing yourself from a religious group like the JWS is challenging for most people, they kind of set you up like the congregation
is your new family, but for obvious reasons leaving that setting should have the attention of being and making a better person out of yourself.
Following the 2000 yr.old social morals of the culture of the ancient Israelites, cant realistically by a good and sound direction for are advanced
modernized society honestly can it now.