Why Do Boys Like To Fight - And Not Take Baths???

by snowbird 38 Replies latest jw friends

  • snowbird

    You fancy yourself a little too much, MISTER.

    I suspected you would be formulating a smart retort.


    Tee hee hee.


  • quietlyleaving

    To make their odor evaluations, panelists sniffed vials of underarm sweat previously collected in the laboratory from volunteers.

    I wonder how much the panelists got paid

  • snowbird

    ROFL at QL.


  • John Doe
    John Doe
    You fancy yourself a little too much, MISTER.

    Can you blame me?

  • dinah

    Sylvia, my son is 12. He takes a shower without being told, but there is usually a little girl involved.

    There is a huge difference between boys and girls. My daughter matured faster. She's more responsibile.

    My son will take things apart just to see how it works, then put it back together. He always stayed busy building things when he was smaller. He's more action oriented, where my daughter is more thoughtful.

    A couple of weeks ago he had several of his buddies at our house for a sleepover. It was so much fun! They are so easy to entertain. Just give them a football and send them outside. But Gawd! are they LOUD! But they make me laugh so hard THEN they come inside and eat everything in the house.

    When my daughter's friends are here, it looks like a scene from "Waiting to Exhale". And lord, girls are so hateful to each other!

  • John Doe
    John Doe
    When my daughter's friends are here, it looks like a scene from "Waiting to Exhale". And lord, girls are so hateful to each other!

    There's a reason the male gender contains no bitches.

  • Finally-Free
    Why Do Boys Like To Fight - And Not Take Baths???

    Because we know chicks dig it.


  • chickpea

    point reiterated....
    wait til they set their
    fancy on a girl....

    then the stink will be their
    cheap body sprays....
    (discretion in fragrance application
    must be a learned skill... i hope)

    the fighting thing.... i dont know...
    no overt history of that with my sons

  • snowbird

    then the stink will be their
    cheap body sprays....
    (discretion in fragrance application
    must be a learned skill... i hope

    I certainly hope so.

    That reminds me of one day when the oldest ran into the house, washed underneath his arms, applied deodorant, brushed his teeth, then went back outside and waited expectantly.

    I wondered why, but got the answer when I heard him ask his younger brother why the girl across the way didn't come outside.

    I heard him say, "Shoot! I did all that for nothing!"

    I laughed and laughed.

    I do enjoy them.


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