Congregation Bible Study Comments - Week Commencing 6 April 2009

by LUKEWARM 16 Replies latest jw friends

  • bobld

    Just my take:On the appendix..How should we treat a disfellowshipped person ie GB/FDS.

    Bible principles on this subject apply equally to those who disassociate themselves(by their actions GB/FDS)

    from the congregation.Example:The GB/FDS association with Babylon the great the UNITED NATIONS (than lying

    about it (God hates liars). Yes GOD demands exclusive devotion and loyality and hates those who associate

    and fornicate with a harlot (UN).God demands that we be faithful only to him and not some harlot.

    He will judge those in righteousness.Yes we do not have to rely on those who claim to worship God but

    are false and deceiveful.Yes we do not want to associate with liars and those who do not obey God's commands.



    Interesting how they devoted this weeks study purely on the appendix. How many actually thought about the misapplication of the Scriptures rather than just parroting "the paragraph says...."

    "The Watchtower of September 15, 1981, page 25, stated: "A simple 'Hello' to someone can be the first step that develops into a conversation and maybe even a friendship. Would we want to take that first step with a disfellowshiped person?"
    What twisted disgusting reasoning that has no precedent in the Bible - can you imagine Jesus doing this??
    "Is strict avoidance really necessary? Yes, for several reasons. First, it is a matter of loyalty to God and his Word"
    Loyalty to God or the WTS interpretation of what Christians need to do?
    "Second, withdrawing from an unrepentant wrongdoer protects us and the rest of the congregation from spiritual and moral contamination and upholds the congregation's good name."
    So members are denied any right to exercise their own intelligence and judgement as to whether a person is an "unrepentant wrongdoer"? Why must they wait for some religious authority to lift the "disfellowshiped" label before association with a person is acceptable?

    "Third, our firm stand for Bible principles may even benefit the disfellowshipped one. By supporting the decision of the judicial committee, we may touch the heart of a wrongdoer who thus far has failed to respond to the efforts of the elders to assist him. Losing precious fellowship with loved ones may help him to come "to his senses," see the seriousness of his wrong, and take steps to return to Jehovah.-Luke 15:17."
    "Supporting the decision of the judicial committee" is what they want and what is most important to them. How do we know if the committee of imperfect men actually made the right decision - how did they really discern his/her heart condition?

    Incredible that they quote the account about the prodigal son coming "to his senses"! Why not state the full story? Did Jesus say that the father in the story upon seeing his wayward son approaching the home, rather than running out and embracing him as he did, ignored him as he was not living with him in the house and insisted that his son first be screened by a committee of three men before expressing parental interest and affection and even celebrating his return??

  • boyzone

    Hi Lukewarm

    Was the appendix actually covered as part of this week's study? Its really important that I know how this material was presented as it'll impact on my relationship with my parents.

    If it was covered thoroughly then I can expect mum & dad to be VERY cool with me. I can prepare myself for the worst.



    Hi Boyzone

    Yes the "Bible Study" this week was the entire appendix - and they dissected if fully!

    As there are no questions, the conductor formulated some so the friends could have the points clearly in mind. Each paragraph was read, most scriptures were read and the Watchtower references were referred to and discussed...

    Hope you can try and reason with your parents on a few of the points as they have obviously been misapplied...

  • boyzone

    OMG! I can't believe how cruel the Society are being right now. Mum and dad will definately be ice-cool with me after this. It makes me so sad.

    Thanks for the headsup Lukewarm and keep up the good work x

  • marcopolo

    yesterday the conductor has given emphasis this says wts... it is correct, fond and love do so,not say also only hi.. 1° gion. is as hello..

    I think this is very wrong.. this not say Bible.

    this haved did me my friends and also boysfriend my daughter.. not say me hi when come my home..

  • Dagney


    Okay missed this.

    I felt sick reading it also.

    I would hate to be in these people's shoes when after alienating friend in family for decades, on their death bed they realize it was all for naught. What a waste.

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