have you seen this jw apologist site?
by carla 15 Replies latest watchtower child-abuse
Sounds like thirdwitness.
“You have been told that here in the United States we have compiled a list of 23,720 names of child abusers. That is false. First of all, the total number of names in our records is considerably lower than that. In addition, it is not meaningful to focus on the number of names we have in our records.” — Fax to journalist Betsan Powys (formerly found on www.jw-media.org website.)
Holy denial, Batman.
Why not tell the # if it's such a small amount?
There is nothing that anyone can say to defend these dirty, no good, rotten bastards about the cover up of child molestation. Bill Bowen has stated publically that the reason why Dateline did the initial story was because he had the society on tape telling him to "leave it in Jehovah's hands", because the molested child didn't have a second witness. Also, the information gleaned from 5,000 pages of court documents by Barbara Anderson leaves no doubt that the cover up of child molestation has been performed by the WTB&TS dating back more than 40 years.
keyser soze
It is astonishing that they can publish such a bold contradiction and hope that readers will not notice.
I had to laugh at the irony in this statement.
I can't help but think that if I was still going to the KHall and read this article, it might make me curious enough to do a bit more research online, and find this website or others with the real facts.
Perhaps the writer is doing a favor to all that may be really interested in the answers to the questions he brings up.
I had a brief look at the website - the author likes to quote the WT child abuse policy as if that policy is strictly adhered to each and every time but he will quickly dismiss anything that hasn't followed this policy.
It's a classic see no evil, hear no evil - if something did happen, it was a local elder's fault for not following WT policy.
I suggest the author acquire a copy of Watchtower Documents CD - he might change his viewpoint.
The site would appear to be older than the California lawsuit awarding $12,000,000 because the only reference to damages was the Vicky Boer case
Sounds like 3rd witness all right. That rat has run quite a few apostates off the internet... people who were talking about their abuse they experienced.
How does this writer know how many names are in that database? What are this person's credentials????? Hmmm.