For the sake of less argument whether you're a believer or non-believer lets just for the moment say we can
take the bible as it is in current form at face value.
I'm just going to cite a few examples of bible stories of God appearing and if we had been alive back then it
shoulda been proof to all of his existence.
1) leading the Israelites out of Egypt as a pillar of cloud by day and a pillar of fire at night.
2) the waters of the sea miracously parting and allowing the Israelites to go thru on dry land. Then crashing in on Pharoah
and his army later on.
3) Jesus baptism when God's voice declared him to be his son.
4) Adam and Eve evidently talking to God in the Garden even after they had sinned.
And you may have others you could add to this list but those are mine for now.
My question is this. If God can appear and have dialogue with all those from times past and theywere in a sinful state
except Jesus, why can he not appear now and talk to sinners and convince them of his existence?
Where in the Bible does it specifically say he can no longer do this? And yes I'm familier with the he has set a date in
which he intends to judge the inhabitants of the Earth and etc.etc.
Why was it Ok for him to appear to those people back then to convince them that he was and is and yet its
a no-no for us today?
Would it not be more simpler and logical to do as Jesus said and let your yes mean yes and your No mean No?
In other words Yes I exist here I am , stop wasting time in needless arguements over my existence.
Follow me (God) and receive the blessing or don't follow me and receive the malediction (Deuteronomy 11:26-28)
I can't imagine any parents on earth today hiding their existence from their children and then getting mad at their
children for not finding them.
Anyhow just curious how you approached this and even if you no longer believe, what did you tell
yourself back when you did as far as why He don't feel a need to appear any more?