I stopped going to meetings five years ago. All my family are JWs. Why does my mother still give me a memorial invitation even though I don't go? She knows I don't go to the meetings. Is this the "last chance" of hope that I might return? Why do Witnesses persist with invitations to those who clearly don't want "The Truth"?
Memorial Thursday: why am I still getting an invitation?
by And He Ran 15 Replies latest jw experiences
Well they have to get rid of all those invitations that the society had printed up somehow.
If they don't give them out to family then their only alternative would be to go out and find someone else
that wasn't family and that can be intimidating.
Your Mom loves you!
At least your Mom still cares about you.
Because they are always told not to give up hope
They many times have said in print that it is a command from Jesus to "do" the memorial ( I don't agree with the twisted use of observe)
Active Dubs feel that if you don't go then YOU are rejecting the R.Sac. of Jesus.
there are several things wrong with this view,as with most WT interpretations.
firstly can anyone show me where Jesus COMMANDED we do the memorial?
No, he instituted a fairly casual thing for his immediate followers to do every time they met together for a meal,when they broke bread and drank wine they could bless it with prayer and remember Jesus words and deeds.
By the time the Apostle Paul wrote to the Corinthians there was a need for this to be respected and not become lost ,so he gave instructions that formalised it somewhat,but still it was a part of their normal gathering.
So thank those in your heart who feel they have your best interests at heart by inviting you,but don't feel any qualm about not attending the twisted cult version of what should be a beautifull communion meal,where true believers eat together and commune with their Lord.
whats crazy for me is, we have barely gotton an invite. I didnt even know when the thing was until a little over a week ago. The only way I found out is through my parents. They weren't inviting me(they know I dont care), it just came up in conversation.
I beleive they were real suprised that no one had left anything for me. We had one sister come by and leave an invite a few days ago. She is one of the only few sincere people I know in the ORG.
I just thought it was a little odd that none of my or my wife's family has said much of anything.
Hey, maybe if you accept, you can get mentioned in next year's KM!
"One former Witness, who had apostatized so much that he actually spent time on God-dishonoring apostated websites, accepted an invitation to the Memorial from his mother and actually attended. He was reactivated soon thereafter, and now serves as a special pioneer in Appalachia."
If you hadn't let on that his assignment was in Appalacia,Timbob might have been tempted,as it is he can hear them banjos !
Hmmm. I was grateful for the WT edict that (supposedly) prevented active JWs from contacting disfellowshipped/disassociated ones because it meant "Mumsy Dearest" and "Dadsy the Batterer" couldn't contact me any longer. Then every year a card arrives on my doorstep - get this - around the time of my birthday. I thought they weren't supposed to have any contact with me!! But at least they haven't sent me any invites to the Memorial...