Unless magic and science can live side by side the world will be out of kilter.
Is rejecting supernatural explanations close-minded?
by inkling 49 Replies latest jw friends
Here's that guy's next reply on my facebook page:
He says "believing in non scientific concepts makes you not automatically open-minded, it can often make you completely closed minded." This is an extremely closed minded way of thinking, since it automatically rules out anything supernatural as even a possibility. And that seems to be the whole point of the video.
In a nutshell, he's saying that everything has a natural explanation, it just needs to be discovered. He believes that thinking that something can have a supernatural source is foolish, unreasonable, and closed minded. Now he's certainly entitled to his opinion, but his video clearly demonstrates that he is completely closed minded to the idea of the supernatural.
It's only reasonable to say that not everything that seems supernatural is supernatural. Anything beyond that is, well, closed minded. :-)So...basically the guy who made the video speaking against calling someone closed minded simply because he/she wants evidence before belief is... closed minded himself because he wants evidence before belief. Uh-huh.
Unless magic and science can live side by side the world will be out of kilter.
They MUST be using magic to fly, becuase those dragons are chubby little buggers.
This is an extremely closed minded way of thinking, since it automatically rules out anything supernatural as even a possibility.
He does NOT "rule out" the possibly of the supernatural. (which, BTW, he clearly says in the effing video!!!!)
All he does is ask for evidence thereof.
You say a ghost did it.
I say a fairy did it
He says god did it.
Someone else says a raccoon did it.
All of those claims are equal, until one of us comes comes up with evidence backing our version.[inkling]
I know, inkling...total FAIL.
My facebook friend doesn't realize he is doing the exact thing that this video speaks against.
I have a hard time dealing with the "I don't believe in science" people: http://www.generalsemantics.org/index.php/gslc/tutorials-exercises/231.html
rebel8...yeah, or the people that say they only agree with "good science." Which of course they define as any science that doesn't challenge their religious beliefs.
BTW, that link.... ESP is a fringe science? :P
Well I think if you reject a claim without hearing out the explanation that is close minded.
I have had things happen to me which cannot yet be explaned by science. A friend of mine says it was god. I say prove to me it was god. If it was god he has a weird way of choosing who is going to save and who he is going to let die.
I don't think science has discovered everything there is yet to discover. Once they discover the reason for something happening, it will no longer be paranormal ( beyond normal) it will be normal. It just isn't within our realm of normal ...YET.
The anecdote video reminds me of my mother's story about a ouija board. She that when she was a teenager, she was at a friend's house and they were playing with a ouija board. There were two things that freaked her out. One was she asked how many children she would have. It said "3." Then she asked where the "spirit" lives. "It" responded "I dwell in hell." Well, she holds out its truth because she has three kids. However, she did have a fourth child who died only about a week after birth. Once I pointed this out to her when she told the story, and she dismissed it as "well, I have three surviving children." ...um, ok.
mary stewart
i reject the supernatural. i'm not close-minded. :) i tried to accept it. i seriously doubt the bogeyman's real. XD