For the biblical view of this topic please read Romans 9
I don't think man has had free will since Adam.
Adam's sin gave each of us the knowledge of good and evil. With that knowledge came responsibility, that is, we have no excuse and will be held acountable for our deeds. (It is not Adam's sin that we are condemned for but our own)
Unless the Holy Spirit regenerates our hearts we will not and cannot choose God. It's not something we are capable of.
Faith is not something we have on our own. Faith is a gift from God. We don't chose to have faith. We can't. Once the Spirit has changed our hearts then and only then are we given faith.
Salvation is a free gift, from God, poured out on us through the sacrifice of Christ by the grace of God. Those who have been called will not be judged. They are free from the Law. Romans 8:1
To put that a different way, those that are called had their judgement day, 2000 year ago, when Jesus took the blame and paid the price for their sins. (when I say "their sins" I mean He paid the price for each and every sin that they have and/or will commit. If I stole an apple when I was young that sin is one of the sins that Christ died for)
One misunderstanding that causes confusion, Christ did not die for everyone. Christ died for His sheep, the one's that would be called.
Those who God does not call will not be saved no matter what they do. That might seem unfair but no one deserves anything except destruction to start with. So God is really being unfair when He saves, not when He condemns. Condemnation is what we all deserve.
If, to you (that's the universal you, I'm not picking on any one person), what God does has to make human sense then you are an unbeleiver. Everything we know was created by God and the rules are His rules, not ours.