If A JW Doesn't Know You No Longer Attend Do You Tell Them?

by minimus 24 Replies latest jw friends

  • mrsjones5

    "The only person I came out to"....sounds like we're in the closet, huh?"

    Yep, operating under the "don't ask, don't tell" policy.

  • blondie

    If they don't ask, why bother? If they ask, they must know you don't and are trying to confirm it to get some juicy gossip to spread or invent.. The jws I meet know I don't attend and don't want to ask why not...why get the facts and have it interfere with there little gossipy story.

  • leavingwt

    I volunteered the information once or twice, with negative results. (What did I expect?)

    Since then, I don't bring it up unless it fits naturally into the conversation. I expect an abrupt ending to such a conversation.

    Upon receiving the usual "Go to Hell" responses, I reply, letting them know that "I'm sorry you feel that way, my door remains open".

    I'm a relatively young man with hundreds of former JW friends. I expect that -- eventually -- at least one will come knocking on my door, telling me that they've left the Borg, and we can resume our friendship. My happiness, however, does not revolve around this possibility.


  • Jim_TX

    Like many here, I have a "Don't ask, don't tell" policy. I've visited my immediate family a few times in the past. They don't ask me - but they know I don't go to any meetings anymore.

    Actually... with most JWs - all they know to talk about is their JW-related rubbish. It gets kind of old after a while... like they don't have any lives outside of their 'go to meetings', 'go door-knocking', go to assemblies', etc lives as a JW.

    Kinda difficult to have a 'normal' conversation with someone like that.


    Jim TX

  • Finally-Free

    I like having the JWs out of my life. If one said hello to me I'd probably tell him I'm an apostate, just to ensure the shunning continues.


  • R.F.

    I say "don't ask, don't tell".

    I told a friend that I no longer attended but it was after she was babbling about what she was doing in the org. That was about a year ago and she hasn't talked to me since.

  • suchafool

    A few months after I left, a JW that had been "inactive" for a long time, came across my path at the store and asked what times the meetings were whether in the mornings or afternoon. So I told her all happy that I DA'd myself and no longer believed in what they taught. The look on her face was shock. She didn't know how to react.

  • wobble

    I havn't said anything to active Dubs I have met,but as I was very well known Big Stories have gone around about me in true Dub fashion,and I detect a wariness from some when we meet in the street.

    Having said that,I got a cheery wave tonight from a Sista who was picking up my next door neighbour (B.S) to take her to the Memorial, I was in Tee-shirt and trackies and obviously not going LOL



  • villabolo

    I live in a large apartment complex full of JWs. One time I sent out a mass mailing, to each and every apartment, containing advertisement for Crisis Of Conscience and half a dozen other anti-witness books. At least the whole neighborhood knows.

  • minimus

    I see most here are cool on keeping things quiet.

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