Ziddina, dang WTH? old thread!
Can I bring my own stuff to the memorial?
by outofthebox 45 Replies latest jw friends
Nomad Soul, do you mean to tell me that you don't believe in THREAD RESURRECTION ????
I so wish i had the b*lls to go the memorial and make a parody of the whole thing.
Maybe bring my own bottle and bottle opener and open it in the middle of the talk and drink from the bottle. Or maybe go to a random hall and drink the entire glass of wine as it's passed to me, and bask in the attention of the horror faces looking at me.
I personally think that those who partake are somehow disfunctional - probably narcissistics who can't help but view themselves as being special.
The few that i have met, never seemed to be all there.
Let us know how that works out for you!
Please do!!!
Well alright. I guess thread ressurections aren't so bad. So talking about the subject of the JW Memorial, man was it ever dull.
Yeah, but in the spirit of this thread, think about some of the oddball things one could do to spice it up!!!
Like bringing a "Smurf" doll to the memorial...
Even better if you have no kids!!!
Hee hee hee heeee!!!
I would bring some cheese to go with the wine.
how about cider and pork scratchings?
How about "proper dress" for the memorial...
I'm thinking black leather jackets - for the sisters....