Hello this is gilwarrior. I was a Jehovah's Witness for over 20 years. I got out about six months ago and I am having the best time of my life. I got into "the truth" when I was 8 years old. My childhood was a rather bleak one. I didn't participate in any afterschool activities and I felt bad trying to make friend who were not Witnesses. I never got baptized (thank God). Over the years a started hating going to the meetings more and more. I hated the hypocracy. I saw so much backstabbing and gossip. I kept going anyway, because I wanted to be a good witness. In March I left during the middle of a meeting and I vowed never to go back. Leaving the organization wasn't hard. My father has been inactive for many years and it didn't bother him. My sister and mother have excepted my leaving and then don't bother me about it. I never had any friends in the organization so that didn't bother me. I then left home and moved in with a friend of mine (not a Witness). I have gone to a therapist to be more social. I also am taking dance lessons and I started working out. I took a class in Portuguese and met a wonderful woman. She is religious and reads the bible, but doesn't believe in organized religion. I then found these web sites and discovered what the organization does not want anyone to know. It just reafirms what I have suspected all along. JEHOVAH'S WITNESSES ARE NOT GOD'S ORGANIZATION. Life is so much better for me now. I'm happier than I have ever been.
personal experience
by gilwarrior 10 Replies latest jw experiences
Hallo, and welcome to the real, beautiful world.
I'm ashi.
Welcome Gil. I hope you enjoy the site. It's meant a lot to me already.
Never Squat With Yer Spurs On -
Nathan Natas
Welcome, Gil. You are off to a good start - keep busy with whatever thing interests you, and excel at it. You've got plenty of time to "catch up" and get your life back. Enjoy it!
Best wishes!
Da_luvvin _bruvva
Hi Gil
You're on a journey now. A journey that can be absolutely wonderful. It may leave you feeling annoyed with yourself for having bought their story for long. But, it may even leave you feeling like you're just so glad that you were able to break free from the shakles of a man made religion.
Me and my wife have been through tears and of both joy and sorrow. Joy for having found some real 'truth', in that the so called 'truth' wasn't the truth. Sorrow for all the people we loved so much that aren't talking to us anymore.
Joy for having found the real 'truth', you know, the 'way', the 'truth' and the 'life'. Sorrow for not being able to share and reason with all the people we loved so much.
All those tears have made us appreciate that we are real people, and not automotons like we were when we were in the 'lie'.
You can look back and draw from the experience Gil, and grow. A lot of poor people are still in there, oppressed, and desperately unhappy.
They may crack a smile, but thats all it is, a cracked smile!
You're out now. But don't let the WT leave you with the legacy that it leaves with so many people that leave the Borganisation. Search out 'truth', read your Bible and ask to be shown. Thats if, you want it.
Ask, and you will receive. Seek and you shall find.
Me and my wife asked, and we received. We did a lot of seeking, and we found. I never thought in a million years when I was an 'appointed man' that I would ever leave the Borganisation. Well, I did, and I'm back to being my self again. Happy.
There is life after the Borg.
Pray for those still in it.
Godbless you Gilwarrior
welcome to the board gil..looking forward to reading more of your posts.
Hello and welcome.
Isn't it great to be able to learn how to really live and enjoy life?
Welcome and God bless!
Isn't it nice to be able to read the Bible and think for ourselves?
Enjoy the forum and trust in God :) -
Welcome to reality, gilwarrior! Glad to have you with us. One short word of advice: take your time about forming serious relationships. It would be good if you could spend a year or three just getting to know yourself well, before you get all wrapped up in getting to know somebody else.
Just my two cents, for what it's worth.
Well like COMF said, but I do hope the best for you. Welcome OUT!,,, LOL