How could you guys let me down like that? You know I need everlasting life!! No invitations, no reminders, what's up with that?
Holy Sh*T!! I missed the memorial!!
by Quirky1 11 Replies latest jw friends
where do you live - the North Pole????
you can ask Jehovah for forgiveness!
Billy the Ex-Bethelite
Please clarify the title of this thread. English can be complex. Wiktionary lists 5 different definitions for the verb "to miss":
- ( transitive ) To fail to hit.
- I missed the target.
- ( transitive ) To feel the absence of someone or something, sometimes with regret.
- I miss you!
- ( transitive ) To fail to understand or have a shortcoming of perception.
- miss the joke
- ( transitive ) To fail to attend.
- Joe missed the meeting this morning.
- ( transitive ) To be late for something (a means of transportation, a deadline etc).
- I missed the plane!
So, when you say, "I missed the memorial," do you mean:
1) I was going to throw rocks at the KH during the memorial, but I missed.
2) I regret that I was absent from the memorial.
3) I don't understand why they have the whole memorial thingy.
4) I failed to attend the memorial.
5) I was late for the memorial, so I had wine and crackers at home.B the X
- ( transitive ) To fail to hit.
I actually wasn't even invited this year. Kind of nice not to have to turn it down and all that goes into. I ran into Witnesses and saw family members who are, nobody mentioned it. I think they finally get it
........................This guy missed the memorial too!!.............................OUTLAW
It's so nice to be out so far that you don't even know what day it is! I had no clue.... G reminded me last night at like 6 she was like 'hey it's memorial tonight want to go?' We both roared with laughter and went back to whatever we were doing... It's a good place to be...
Black Sheep
I got my invite a couple of hours before it started.
It turned into a slanging match.
Feckin' cult
I rejected Jesus at home. Why waste the time to go to the Kingdumb Hell to reject Jesus--especially since Jesus is dead and never got resurrected?
QUIRKY- Congratultions ! You are evolving as a human being