I won't address the points brought up by others on this thread. Nor your personal opinion on the subject. But as a jw for many years, I never once remember being told that the anointed jws on earth direct the angels or have authority over them. After their death and resurrection to heaven, yes, I was taught that.
Again, as I stated above, I never claimed that the Anointed have "authority" over or "direct" the angels while on earth. That is your own spin in an effort to revised my position. In fact, I posted quite the opposite. So, your response is not being intellectually honest with my stated position. I can see why you brush it off, because to deal with what I did say would require you quote something besides articles on Jesus heavenly authority.
I already acknowledged that humans are "lower" than the angels ... in ability, knowledge, and power. But, Anointed are a new class that have a higher ranking ... and that you did not show anything which disputed the point.
My point is well made in your own quote from the 1/15 1963 WT: " God created man a little less than the godlike ones or angels, so it does not seem reasonable that the angels would have to wait on men for instruction. To the contrary, Jehovah God has repeatedly used angels in teaching earthling man,and in particular to minister to those who are members of the Christian congregation with a heavenly calling."—Dan. 10:10-14; Heb. 1:14.
To minister is to serve. Thus the Anointed are "served" by the angels. I never stated that the angels get instruction or are directed by humans or the Anointed ... here is what I clearly stated above to Minimus:
1. Angels are superior to humans, including Anointed, in their knowledge, powers, and abilities.
2. Angels (i.e. the faithful ones) have never sinned or displeased God.
3. Angels are servants that do the bidding of God, and by extension, serve Christ as King, and His Bride.
4. Anointed receive a "token" as you correctly noted, so they have yet to fully enjoy all aspects of their new status.
5. Anointed are "credited" with righteousness, or sinlessness, though they have sinned.
6. Anointed are "credited" with being spirit creatures while still in the flesh, by virtue of a new birth to a "living" hope.
7. Anointed are also Priests right now in the flesh, and are already called "Saints" or "Holy Ones."
8. Anointed are brothers of the King, Jesus, and co-heirs right now in the flesh.
9. Anointed right now out-rank Angels in their various roles as Saints, Priests, co-Heirs, brothers, and the Bride of Christ.
10. Anointed are "Officers" in ranking in one spiritual service and Angels are "Enlisted" ranking in another spiritual branch.
11. While Anointed out-rank Angels, like an Admiral in the Navy, they do not have authority over Angels, who are like soldiers in the Army.
12. Angels, while superior to Anointed in ability, do not have authority or rank over Anointed; they serve the Anointed as messengers from Jehovah and aid the Anointed in the work of the Kingdom by any means possible.
What I stated in item 12 matches exactly what was quoted above in the 1963 WT. Nothing in your quotes deals much with the Anointed, but mostly deals with Jesus in his post-resurrection status. You are either ignoring my actual statements, or you do not understand the original distinctions I made, and thus are making a case in argument against something I never claimed.