To any Jehovahs Witness reading this I YOU really "abstain from Blood?" The bible makes a clear statement at Acts 15 doesn't it? Yet today hemophiliac Jehovahs Witnesses can use "worldly" blood for their clotting treatments which may use 10 bags PER TREATMENT. These Brothers can live to preach another day thanks to kind worldly folks who donated their blood....I would be disfellowshiped for doing so! "Cell Saver" devices are a "conscience matter" ...these machines are vaccum cleaners that suck blood ozing from the wound, clean it and put it into a bag then back into your arm...."Abstain from blood?" Many Witnesses say yes to blood fractions? The no blood doctrine has become a hypocritical farce. When was the last time you asked your butcher if your meat was properly bled as the Watchtower from 1960 recommends? We don't care much about "eating" blood.....but we have strict rules about medical blood. In the 1960's ALL fractions and ANY use of blood in medicine was what happened? Bad publicity and compromise! Think about it...what boxes did you tick on your blood YOU abstain from blood...really?
Jehovahs Witnesses WHY do you now accept blood Transfusions?
by Witness 007 11 Replies latest watchtower bible
new lite
What I don't get is that they are allowed blood products made from cow blood (am I correct on this?). To me it would seem like the co-mingling of animal blood with human blood should creep them out more than anything else! Their jah allows such a wicked thing?
It really shouldn't matter if the fractions come from a nice "worldy donor", if the witnesses hold to what the bible says they should refuse ALL forms of blood and or fractions thereof. Reason being that when blood leaves the body its to be poured out on the ground according to scripture. It's a shame they can't see how foolish the WTS belief is here. Ray Franz wrote in his book "In search of Christian Freedom" that accepting fractions was like having a ham sandwich. The witness can have the ham, the cheese or the bread, but not all at the same time. So sad.
The Claw.
Witness 007
"Carla" and "Ironclaw" you make good points, the doctrine has become a joke with blood being 70% water and 30% fractions if you accept all the fractions it like 98% of whole blood! whats banned???? This has become our Trinity doctrine...impossible to explain.
Hi Witness 007,
I have asked a few witnesses to explain to me the current stand on blood issues, they had no idea what was acceptable and wasn’t. They all reached the same conclusion: in an emergency we will contact the HLC.
I thought how dumb can you be, on such a serious matter involving your life and your children’s, you will leave it up to a stranger on some committee to decide whether you will live or die depending on what the society currently approves!
I don’t mean to offend anyone who has/is served on a HLC, but I know three elders who serve on the HLC. They were not chosen for their medical education (they had none) but rather their spiritual disposition (all three a career/climbing corporate ladder elders). Over a bottle of wine one night with one of these elders, I asked many questions about blood/alternatives/society flip flops/new light…. ( I went prepared) This elder had no answers, kept wanting to get out the manual!
Whilst he (and I think you know him and his extended family Witness 007) has good intentions, he just couldn’t see the absurdity of what the society is doing to its followers. Ok, big breath now, I was getting worked up! Mattieu (who hasn’t carried a blood card for 3 years now, shhh, no one knew).
Witness 007
Yeah the blood card is like 4 pages long now! You need a manila folder to carry the damn thing around!
They will say you can't accept whole blood but, as the saying goes, the devil is in the details. When they start detailing what is it in blood you can and can't take is where the big mess comes in.
This should have been a personal conscience issue and left at that.
Actually I often wonder one question in regards blood concerning any who actually believe the bible is God's word....
If blood wasn't a life or death issue would we refuse it because we think the blood scriptures in greek scriptures would include transfusion as well as eating?
i've read the scriptures and life blood belonging to God is one of the few commands that are from adam onwards all part of taking lifes etc.
Is it that blood is a life and death issue that it is so difficult for us?
Witness 007
Yes Reniaa my point is why don't Witnesses "abstain from blood?" Blood is life in the bible and the bible says abstain from blood and yet Witnesses use blood fractions to make and death was not my issue, this bible law is being abused. Although, how can you die for this doctrine if it keeps changing and being revised every few years? Many in the 1960's died due to refusing fractions which were banned!