Comments You Will Not Hear at the 04-12-09 WT Study (February 15, 2009, pages 6-10)(PROMOTE HAPPINESS)Review comments will be in red
WT material from today's WT will be in black
Quotes from other sources will be in quotes boxes
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"[Jesus] went up into the mountain; and ... his disciples came to him; and he ... began teaching them.”-MATT. 5:1, 2.
So shortly after the memorial, jws are told that only anointed jws are "sons of God" and that the rest will have to wait 1,000 years to become "sons of God." That God is only their grandfather, but Jesus is their "father" not their brother as in the case of the anointed jws?
*** w95 8/1 p. 13 par. 19 Jehovah—A God Who Teaches ***Even though the other sheep are not directly included among the “sons” spoken of at Isaiah 54:13, they are blessed with being taught by Jehovah. Therefore, they properly address God as “Father” because he will, in effect, be their Grandfather through the “Eternal Father,” Jesus Christ.—Matthew 6:9; Isaiah 9:6.
*** w53 4/15 p. 249 par. 10 Jehovah: Husband, Father and Teacher ***With all prospects of life resting on God’s provisions, other Christians of good will, associated with those who are in the new covenant, properly address him as their Father, because he is to be their Grandfather through the Everlasting Father, Christ Jesus.—John 10:16, NW; Isa. 9:6, AS.
*** Worldwide Security chap. 20 p. 169 pars. 18-19 A Happy Human Family Under a New Fatherhood ***
The second Adam, however, has become a life-giving spirit. In this capacity he can fulfill Isaiah’s prophecy and become the “Eternal Father” to the first Adam’s offspring, whom he repurchases and adopts for the purpose of bestowing perfect human life on a paradise earth. In such a way the heavenly Father of Jesus Christ will become the heavenly Grandfather of the restored human family.
Q 1, 2. (a) Under what circumstances did Jesus give his Sermon on the Mount? (b) How did Jesus begin his discourse?
IT IS the year 31 C.E. Jesus briefly interrupts his preaching tour of Galilee to observe the Passover in Jerusalem. (John 5:1) Returning to Galilee,
he prays all night for God's guidance in choosing 12 apostles. The next day a crowd gathers as Jesus heals the sick. With his disciples and others present, he sits down on a mountainside and begins teaching.--Matt. 4:23-5:2; Luke 6:12-19.
Jesus prayed all night--does that mean that jws can give 1/2 hour prayers at conventions/assemblies? Long prayers will be discussed in a future
2. Jesus starts his discourse--the Sermon on the Mount--by showing that happiness results from having a good relationship with God. (Read
Matthew 5:1-12.) Happiness is 'a state of well-being ranging from contentment to intense joy.' The nine happinesses that Jesus pronounced
highlight why Christians are happy, and these sayings are as beneficial today as they were nearly 2,000 years ago. Let us now consider each of
'a state of well-being...' source of quote? I found it quoted here:
Were there any "Christians" in Jesus lifetime? Could there be as long as the law was in force? When did "Christians" come to be in the Bible?
(Acts 11:26) 26 and, after he found him, he brought him to Antioch. It thus came about that for a whole year they gathered together with them in the congregation and taught quite a crowd, and it was first in Antioch that the disciples were by divine providence called Christians.
And according to the WTS, only jws are Christians, all others are "false" or "professed."
*** w96 2/15 p. 8 par. 1 We Have Reason to Cry Out for Joy ***
YOU have likely noted that few people have real joy nowadays. Yet, as true Christians, Jehovah’s Witnesses have joy.
*** w64 1/1 p. 11 par. 12 They Listened to an Angel ***
Similar action has been taken today against Christians in the nations of the earth that call themselves Christian. Religious leaders get just as fearful of the same message that true Christians, Jehovah’s witnesses, preach worldwide today.
*** w60 10/1 p. 592 par. 34 The Holy Bible—the Book by Jehovah’s Witnesses ***
The truth becomes plain, therefore, that true Christians, true followers of Christ, must imitate him in being Jehovah’s witnesses. True Christians
are Jehovah’s witnesses.
"Those Conscious of Their Spiritual Need"
Q 3. What does it mean to be conscious of our spiritual need?
3. "Happy are those conscious of their spiritual need, since the kingdom of the heavens belongs to them." (Matt. 5:3) "Those conscious of their
spiritual need" realize that they are spiritually destitute and need God's mercy.
and who are "spiritually destitute and need God's mercy"--all non jws
can the "kingdom of the heavens" belong to non-anointed jws per the WTS?
Q 4, 5. (a) Why are those conscious of their spiritual need happy? (b) How can our spiritual need be satisfied?
4 Those conscious of their spiritual need are happy, "since the kingdom of the heavens belongs to them." Accepting Jesus as the Messiah opened up for his early disciples the possibility of ruling with him in God's heavenly Kingdom. (Luke 22:28-30) Whether we personally hope to be a joint heir with Christ in heaven or we look forward to everlasting life in an earthly paradise under Kingdom rule, we can be happy if we are truly conscious of our spiritual need and are fully aware of our dependence on God.
Does this mean that the non-anointed don't need to accept Jesus as the Messiah since there is no possibility of ruling with him in the heavens?
The other sheep are presented the CARROT of everlasting life in an earthly paradise instead.
dependence on God or the WTS/FDS/GB?
*** w06 5/15 p. 22 par. 8 Are You Prepared for Survival? ***
Just as Noah and his God-fearing family were preserved in the ark, survival of individuals today depends on their faith and their loyal association with the earthly part of Jehovah’s universal organization.
*** w61 2/15 p. 114 par. 19 Hold Fast Your Joy! ***
Do you humbly acknowledge your entire dependence upon Jehovah for life and its blessings? Then you should also humbly acknowledge your
dependence on his earthly organization today. There is no place of real safety outside God’s New World society.
5. Not all are conscious of their spiritual need, for many lack faith and do not appreciate sacred things. (2 Thess. 3:1, 2; Heb. 12:16) Ways to
satisfy our spiritual need include diligent study of the Bible, zealous activity in the disciple-making work, and regular presence at Christian
meetings.--Matt. 28:19, 20; Heb. 10:23-25.
many (non-jws) lack faith
"zealous" activity in the "disciple-making" work--more than 1 hour a month and not without making converts
"regular" prescence at Christian meetings--so how many is considered regular, how many can you miss and not be irregular?
Mourners Who Are "Happy"
Q 6. Who are "those who mourn," and why are they "happy"?
6. "Happy are those who mourn, since they will be comforted." (Matt. 5:4) "Those who mourn" are the same kind of people as "those conscious of their spiritual need." They do not mourn in the sense of complaining about their lot in life. Their mourning is sadness over their own sinful state and the conditions existing because of human imperfection. Why are such mourners "happy"? Because they exercise faith in God and Christ and are
comforted by having a good relationship with Jehovah.--John 3:36.
are jws truly mourning over their own sinful state or seeing others outside the organization as worse than they are and soon to be destroyed forever?
relationship with Jehovah--where is their relationship with Jesus?
Q 7. How should we feel about Satan's world?
7. Do we individually mourn because of the unrighteousness rampant in Satan's world? How do we really feel about what this world has to offer?
The apostle John wrote: "Everything in the world--the desire of the flesh and the desire of the eyes and the showy display of one's means of life--does not originate with the Father." (1 John 2: 16) But what if we sense that our own spirituality is being eroded by "the spirit of the world," the
impelling force that dominates human society alienated from God? Then let us pray fervently, study God's Word, and seek the help of the elders. As we draw closer to Jehovah, we will "find comfort" for ourselves, regardless of what is causing us distress.--1 Cor. 2: 12; Ps. 119:52; Jas. 5:14, 15.
Do jws really mourn over the unrighteous in Satan's world? How many are ready to give up television, DVDs, movies, music, violent sports, etc.?
human society alienated from God--all non-jws
closer to Jehovah--closer to Jesus?
How Happy "the Mild-Tempered Ones"!
Q 8, 9. What does it mean to be mild-tempered, and why are mild-tempered ones happy?
8. "Happy are the mild-tempered ones, since they will inherit the earth.” (Matt. 5:5) "Mildness of temper," or meekness, does not suggest weakness or hypocritical gentleness. (1 Tim. 6:11) If we are mild-tempered, we will display meekness by doing Jehovah's will and accepting his guidance. Mildness of temper will also be evident in the way we deal with fellow believers and others. Such meekness harmonizes with the apostle Paul's counsel.--Read Romans 12:17-19.
doing God's will, seek the help of the elders or the WTS?
*** w84 5/15 p. 16 par. 9 Empowered With Strength Beyond Normal ***Loyal Witnesses do not lean toward democratic attitudes and procedures. They are awake to the fact that they serve in a theocratic organization, an organization in which God’s will is ascertained and then carried out.
fellow believers--only jws
9. Why are the mild-tempered ones happy? Because "they will inherit the earth," said mild-tempered Jesus. He is the principal Inheritor of the earth. (Ps. 2:8; Matt. 11:29; Heb. 2:8, 9) However, mild-tempered "joint heirs with Christ" share in his inheritance of the earth. (Rom. 8:16, 17) In the earthly realm of Jesus' Kingdom, many other meek ones will enjoy everlasting life.--Ps. 37:10, 11.
Notice that "meek ones will enjoy everlasting life" CARROT not share in the inheritance. Do you get the idea that Jesus did not have in mind a secondary group of Christians that would not go to heaven?
Q 10. How may a lack of mildness affect our privileges of service and our relationship with others?
10. Like Jesus, we should be mild-tempered. But what if we are known for having a belligerent spirit? Such an aggressive and hostile attitude may cause people to shy away from us. If we are brothers desiring to have responsibilities in the congregation, this trait disqualifies us. (1 Tim. 3:1, 3) Paul told Titus to keep reminding Christians in Crete "not to be belligerent, to be reasonable, exhibiting all mildness toward all men." (Titus 3:1, 2) What a blessing such mildness is to others!
belligerent spirit...aggressive and hostile attitude--I have had 4 elders scream at me, and believe me I had not done anything to provoke it and had people standing by that witnessed it. And this did not disqualify them from having responsibilities in the congregation. I knew another that yelled and swore at his jw employees and retained his responsibilities.
They Hunger for "Righteousness"
Q 11-13. (a) What does it mean to hunger and thirst for righteousness? (b) How are those hungering and thirsting for righteousness "filled"?
11. "Happy are those hungering and thirsting for righteousness! since they will be filled." (Matt. 5:6) The "righteousness" that Jesus had in mind is
the quality of doing what is right by conforming to God's will and commandments. The psalmist said that he was "crushed with longing" for God's righteous judicial decisions. (Ps. 119:20) Do we prize righteousness so much that we hunger and thirst for it?
God's or the WTS will and commandments?
12. Jesus said that those hungering and thirsting for righteousness would be happy because they would be "filled," or fully satisfied. This became
possible after Pentecost 33 C.E., for Jehovah's holy spirit then began to "give the world convincing evidence concerning ... righteousness." (John 16:8 By means of the holy spirit, God inspired men to compile the Christian Greek Scriptures, which are so beneficial "for disciplining in
righteousness." (2 Tim. 3:16) God's spirit also enables us to "put on the new personality which was created according to God's will in true
righteousness." (Eph. 4:24) Is it not comforting to know that those who repentantly seek forgiveness of their sins on the basis of Jesus' ransom
sacrifice can attain a righteous standing with God?--Read Romans 3:23, 24.
Who do jws go to to seek forgiveness or have it determined they are repentant? How do the elders determine that God has forgiven and
individual; how does God communicate that to them?
*** w06 11/15 p. 30 par. 21 Always Accept Jehovah’s Discipline ***Although he has prayed and believes that God has forgiven him, he should seek the help of an elder so that such a sin does not become habitual.
*** w96 4/15 p. 29 Questions From Readers ***
As in the case of the man in ancient Corinth, when a gross sinner refuses to repent, he has to be disfellowshipped. If he later repents and produces works befitting repentance, divine forgiveness is possible. (Acts 26:20) In such a situation, the Scriptures give the elders reason to believe that Jehovah has indeed forgiven the wrongdoer.
13 If we have an earthly hope, our hunger and thirst for righteousness will be fully satisfied when we enjoy everlasting life under righteous conditions on earth. Meanwhile, let us be determined to live in harmony with Jehovah's standards. Jesus said: "Keep on ... seeking first the kingdom and [God's] righteousness." (Matt. 6:33) Doing that will fill our hands with godly work and our heart with true happiness.--1 Cor. 15:58.
CARROT--earthly hope...enjoy everlasting life....on earth
God's or WTS standards? Cannot know God's standards except through WT organization.
*** w75 6/15 p. 378 par. 14 Looking to the Future with Confidence ***However, in order to have a confident outlook for the future we must also begin now to adjust our lives and thoughts to the standards that Jehovah God is revealing to us through his Word and organization.
Why "the Merciful" Are Happy
Q 14, 15. How can we show mercy, and why are "the merciful" happy?
14. “Happy are the merciful, since they will be shown mercy.” (Matt. 5:7) "The merciful" are moved by compassion and pity for others. Jesus
miraculously relieved the suffering of many because he had pity for them. (Matt. 14:14) Mercy is manifested in a judicial sense when people forgive those who transgress against them, just as Jehovah mercifully forgives repentant ones. (EX. 34:6, 7; Ps. 103:10) We can show mercy in that way and by our kind words and deeds that bring relief to disadvantaged individuals. A fine way to show mercy is to share Bible truths with others. Moved with pity for a crowd, Jesus "started to teach them many things." --Mark 6:34.
Mercy in the judicial sense?
What deeds do jws show to "disadvantaged" individuals, jws and non-jws. Do jws do deeds towards non-jws? Did Jesus only share Bible truths?
15. We have reason to agree with Jesus' statement: "Happy are the merciful, since they will be shown mercy." If we treat others mercifully, they are likely to respond in kind. We may find that the mercy we have shown to others will triumph over any adverse judgment that God might otherwise bring to bear against us when we are brought into judgment. (Jas. 2:13) Forgiveness of sins and eternal life are only for the merciful.--Matt. 6: 15.
What though if we aren't shown mercy in kind, should we stop showing mercy?
Should we only show mercy because we expect something in return from God?
CARROT--eternal life
Why "the Pure in Heart" Are Happy
Q 16. What does it mean to be "pure in heart," and how do those possessing that quality "see God"?
16. "Happy are the pure in heart, since they will see God." (Matt. 5:8 If we are "pure in heart," purity will be evident in our affections, desires, and
motives. We will display "love out of a clean heart." (1 Tim. 1:5) Being inwardly clean, we will "see God." This does not necessarily mean seeing
Jehovah literally, for "no man may see [God] and yet live." (Ex. 33:20) Since he perfectly reflected God's personality, however, Jesus could say:
"He that has seen me has seen the Father also." (John 14:7-9) As Jehovah's worshippers on earth, we can "see God" by observing him act in our behalf. (Job 42:5) For anointed Christians, seeing God reaches its apex when they are resurrected to spirit life and actually see their heavenly Father.--1 John 3:2.
purity is evident in which WT judgment?
Not wanting people to be confused and think that the people Jesus was talking about were going to rule with him in heaven and literally see God,
the WTS puts in a disclaimer.
Jehovah's worshippers--only jws
Q 17. Being pure in heart will have what effect on us?
17. Because a pure heart is morally and spiritually clean, it does not dwell on things that are unclean in Jehovah's eyes. (1 Chron. 28:9; lsa. 52:11)
If we are pure in heart, what we say and do will have the mark of purity, and there will be nothing hypocritical about our service to Jehovah.
What things does the WTS consider unclean....pornography, music, movies, DVDs, sports, masturbation, swearing, tabloid newspapers.....
nothing hypocritical--except in how molesters are handled in the congregation, and wife abusers.
"The Peaceable" Become Sons of God
Q 18, 19. How do "the peaceable" conduct themselves?
18. "Happy are the peaceable, since they will be called 'sons of God."' (Matt. 5:9) "The peaceable" are identified by what they will do and by what they will not do. If we are the kind of people whom Jesus had in mind, we are peaceable and 'do not render injury for injury to anyone.' Instead, we 'always pursue what is good toward others.'--1 Thess. 5:15.
sons of God--only anointed, the rest may be adopted by the end of the 1,000 year reign. Until then they are neither Christ's brothers nor is God their Father except through Jesus.
19. The Greek term rendered "peaceable" at Matthew 5:9 literally means "peacemakers." To be included among the peaceable, we must
actively promote peace. Peacemakers do not do anything that 'separates those familiar with one another.' (Prov. 16:28) As the peaceable, we
take positive steps to "pursue peace with all people."-Heb. 12:14.
how do jws actively promote peace through their doctrine of disfellowshipping, forbidding parents to talk to children and vice versa, or to grandchildren, brothers and sisters? Isn't that separating those familiar with one another?
Q 20. Who are now "sons of God," and who else will eventually become God's offspring?
20. The peaceable are happy because "they will be called 'sons of God.' " Faithful anointed Christians have been adopted by Jehovah and are "sons of God." They already have an intimate relationship with Jehovah as his children because they exercise faith in Christ and wholeheartedly worship "the God of love and of peace." (2 Cor. 13:11; John 1:12) What about Jesus' peaceable "other sheep"? They will have Jesus as their "Eternal Father" during his Millennial Reign, but at its end he will subject himself to Jehovah and they will become children of God in a complete sense.--John 10:16; Isa. 9:6; Rom. 8:21; 1 Cor. 15: 27,28.
Yes, only anointed jws have been adopted by God and are sons of God. Yes, only they have an intimated relationship with God as his children.
The other sheep only have Jesus as a father, and become children of God at the end of the 1,000 year reign. Can you imagine telling non-jws that?
Q 21. How will we act if we are "living by spirit"?
21. If we are "living by spirit," peaceableness will be one of our qualities that is readily seen by others. We will not be "stirring up competition with
one another" or "provoking ... each other." (Gal. 5:22-26; New International Version) Instead, we endeavor to be "peaceable with all
stirring up competiton--for "privileges" in the congregation
Happy Though Persecuted!
Q 22-24. (a) What accounts for the happiness of those who are persecuted for righteousness' sake? (b) What will we consider in the next two study articles?
22. "Happy are those who have been persecuted for righteousness' sake, since the kingdom of the heavens belongs to them. 11 (Matt. 5:10)
Expanding on this, Jesus added: "Happy are you when people reproach you and persecute you and lyingly say every sort of wicked thing against
you for my sake. Rejoice and leap for joy, since your reward is great in the heavens; for in that way they persecuted the prophets prior to you."--Matt. 5:11, 12.
23. Like God's prophets of old, Christians expect to be reproached, persecuted, and lyingly spoken against--all "for righteousness' sake." By
faithfully enduring such tests, however, we have the satisfaction of pleasing and honoring Jehovah. (1 Pet. 2:19-21) Our suffering cannot diminish our delight in serving Jehovah now or in the future. It cannot lessen either the happiness of ruling with Christ in the heavenly Kingdom or the joy of being granted everlasting life as one of the earthly subjects of that government. Such blessings provide evidence of God's favor, benevolence, and generosity.
24. There is much more to learn from the Sermon on the Mount. Various lessons are considered in the next two study articles. Let us see how we
might apply those sayings of Jesus Christ.
jws to expect to be persecuted...even if they have brought it on themselves by unchristian behavior.
jws believe that only they are persecuted for serving God.
April 2009
UZBEKISTAN: "Religious movements are trying to destabilise Uzbekistan"
By Mushfig Bayram, Forum 18 News Service <>
Uzbekistan continues to harass and fine Christians, Muslims and Jehovah's Witnesses exercising their freedom of thought, conscience or belief,
Forum 18 News Service has found. In one recent case 13 Baptists have been fined the extremely large sum of 50 times the minimum monthly
salary, for meeting for worship. The verdict, which has been seen by Forum 18, claims that it follows police "anti-terror" operations. The judge who imposed the fine has refused to discuss the case with Forum 18. And in a continuation of the current official actions against people with religious literature, two Baptists carrying religious literature have been arrested on the capital Tashkent's Metro, questioned at a police station by the most senior police officer responsible for Metro security, and will be charged for carrying the literature. Attempting to justify the police action, a local official in the capital told Forum 18 that "religious movements are trying to destabilise Uzbekistan." However, he did not explain how violating fundamental human rights stabilises Uzbekistan. [read more...]
CARROT--granted everlasting life
How Would You Answer?
Why are "those conscious of their spiritual need" happy?
What accounts for the happiness of "the mild-tempered ones"?
Why are Christians happy even though they are persecuted?
Which happiness pronounced by Jesus especially impresses you?
Does this article build up a relationship with Christ? While using his words, the focus in on having a relationship with God. The focus is on the
anointed being God's sons but the rest having to wait 1,000 years for the same privilege.
Next week, "Let Jesus' Sayings Affect Your Attitude." Highlight, comment on long prayers.
Love, Blondie