JWN Idol: What is YOUR Talent?

by cameo-d 15 Replies latest jw friends

  • cameo-d

    It doesn't have to be stage-worthy.

    What "hidden talents" do you have?

    Of all the things you do, what is it that you think you do best?

    What do you like to do that really makes you feel happy and "qualified"?

  • ninja

    I can play master of puppets on guitar

  • noni1974

    I can wiggle my nose like a bunny. I can also wiggle my ears.

  • compound complex
    compound complex

    I can bring sunshine and cheer into your humdrum life ...


  • gubberningbody

    I've found that I'm pretty good at irritating people. Is that a talent?

  • Lady Lee
    Lady Lee

    good grief - just one? There are a lot of things I used to do that I no longer have the opportunity to do today mostly due to health reasons. For example:

    • Sign Language. It was a passion. I was good. Really good. Mouthy can tell you. But regardless of how good I was, it gave me so much more in confidence in myself and my ability to open myself up to people in a way I never did before. While I still sign I don't have much opportunity to use it any more.
    • My work as an abuse/trauma specialist. This too was a passion. And something else I was really good at. This work too gave me a lot in personal growth and my ability to share with others emotionally and connect with them. I'm very proud of the work I was able to do.

    Some things I still do

    • sewing, knitting, crochet (Mouthy's daughter taught me how to crochet over 30 years ago - wow that sounds like a very long time!), writing. Each one gives me the freedom to be creative especially since I always take liberties with patterns (when I use them).

    Most proud of? Probably my ability to take a bad situation and turn it into one of strength and survival

  • lurk3r

    If you share your seat with me...however you feel and whatever it is that you think, I feel that I have the ability to understand where your coming from.


  • JimmyPage

    Like Ninja, I'm pretty handy on the guitar as well.

  • Vinny


    I'm a fairly decent landscape photographer. That was a surprise.

    But I cannot sing or play music or paint or draw or a zillion other things worth two cents...

  • Sparkplug

    I will tell you when I find out. Not so sure if singing all kinds of show tunes from Annie counts.


    Ok, I take a few photos and I can sew, cook and do some this and that. Writing and odd poetry.


    I guess it depends on what mood I wake up in. It determines if I have the gummy in me to belt out the songs, or what kind of food is in my pot.

    <p>I think well, but what is good on one day burns on another.


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