So my undercover "exposing the lies" is still working

by BonaFide 15 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • BonaFide

    Yesterday in the car group in service, 5 of us in one SUV. So someone says that on Friday, a worldly family member of their Bible study had died of a drug overdose. Then he said, "Well, that the protection that we have being in Jehovah's Organization."

    Everyone agreed, including me. So then I said,"Hey, here's a question for you all. Why is it that a higher percentage of Witnesses die young than worldly people?" So the car group said, "I don't think that's true." So I said, "I think it really may be true. Witnesses don't die from drug overdoses or AIDS usually, but I heard that more Witnesses die young than worldly people. I heard it from a worldly surgeon and also from a Circuit Overseer. First of all, because of all the suicides. I know several Witnesses that committed suicide. And also diseases. The C.O. says maybe its because of stress. So many Witnesses get stressed and their immune systems break down. (I know, I was exaggerating)

    So one of the brothers says, "I know that years ago we werent supposed to get psychiatric help if we were depressed, it was viewed as weak spirituality. And some committed suicide. But lately the Society has encouraged psychiatry."

    And another bro says, "I dont think that's true. More Witnesses die young that worldly people? No way." I told him, "Yes its true. First, suicides. Also some die faithful because of not accepting blood. And others are stressed and tired and get sick a lot. Look how many are sick in our congregation."

    So then the first bro says, "Yes, a lot of the bros and sis's in the congregation are sick. But maybe its because they were sick before they were Witnesses."

    I said, "Yes, maybe. But its weird that so many Witnesses die. It seems like every month I hear of another Witness dying relatively young from something. But anyway, Jehovah will resurrect them. And I would never say that to a Bible study. I learned a long time ago to be discreet."

    Little by little, in my congregation anyway, I am having fun trying to open minds, but undercover, on the outside I am always supporting the Slave.


  • JimmyPage

    Heh heh. I love this approach. Keep us posted as we incorporate it ourselves. You sly dog.

  • penny2

    BonaFide, you are really putting the cat amongst the pigeons, aren't you!!

  • RaraAvis
  • WTWizard

    Here are some things that kill witlesses relatively young, besides the blood issue:

    *Accidents. They are more likely to get into accidents because of all the driving, much of which is also while looking for a house or at the territory card.

    *Persecution. Some get killed because they get shot at a house with a prominent No Trespassing sign, or get a dog sicced on them.

    *Getting a disease at the door. It is not impossible to get tuberculosis at the door.

    *Stress. Most witlesses get little sleep, because they are too busy working crap jobs, preparing for boasting sessions, or out in field circus all the time. This alone causes people to get sick more easily, lending to death. That the witlesses never seem to be able to do enough, the Pio-sneer Diet, and the "emergency" all add to this stress. And it makes it more likely for them to be in a bad accident.

    *Insufficient exercise. True, a few get more exercise in field circus than they did sitting at home watching soaps. More, however, actually lose exercise while in field circus.

    *Abuse. All too many of them get killed due to child abuse or domestic violence, often stemming from running late for the boasting session or staying out too long in field circus. Tempers snap, and people get killed.

    It all adds up. Impaired immune system, not enough sleep, poor diet, stress, accidents, persecution, and the occasional suicide or murder within the congregation add up to sick witlesses. And they tend to get cancer, heart disease, or diabetes while they are still in their 30s and lower 40s.

  • TheOldHippie

    The least one could expect, was that your allegations were true. But claiming that more JWs die young than among the non-JW population quite simply is not true. Your claiming to know of occurences of people dying young, are not exactly THE scale on which evidence is measured. Accidentes, drugs, crime, desease - are far more frequent among people with a non-JW lifestyle than among JWs. You know, I might state that since during the last 30 years I have known of only two or three deaths, that proves very close to NO JWs die young. I would not use my limited knowledge as a standard, and neither should you. Your claim is quite simply - stupid. Sorry to have to use that word, but this is one of the very rare instances where I find it appropriate to do so.

  • chickpea

    it almost begs the question
    "since when have the dr0nes
    been interested in the veracity
    of ANY statement, especially
    if it champions their beliefs??"

    i say, let them lap at the trough, BF...

  • moshe

    I knew of many JW's, my ex-wife included, that would fall prey to quack cures being marketed by other JW's. They seemed to mistrust the medical community a lot. Many JW's are self employed and don't have good or maybe any medical insurance. Hey, Jehoobah, will take care of the pioneers- we heard that at all the assemblies. Rather than stay home when sick, JW's went to meetings (infecting others in the process) and the sick and elderly went out in field service in cold disagreeable weather, too. Stress causes sickness and JW's are living a lie 24/7, putting up a false front- I'm happy, I really, really am, brothers ( no pension, no retirement plan, no medical insurance, a crappy job ( didn't go to college), kids left the truth, I am shunning family, grandkids I can't see (my shunned kids won't let me see them), everybody at work gives me the cold shoulder, etc, etc) JW's are there own worst enemy.

  • quietlyleaving


    Little by little, in my congregation anyway, I am having fun trying to open minds, but undercover, on the outside I am always supporting the Slave.


    I'm glad you are having fun, and everything you are discussing with JWs is true, but be careful, please, because one day a suspicious JW may say "now which congregations boards have you been attending" (I guess then you can say hya bruv)

  • rebel8

    Also lack of proper healthcare (due to teachings about Satan controlling doctors, or no health insurance) and not engaging in healthy behaviors because Jehoopla is going to wipe out all their illnesses anyway.

    It would be interesting to do a study of death certificate data and compare the death ages/rates for each religion. Of course it would be hard to compare since jws are such a tiny minority.

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