Everlasting life is a GIFT ! It doesn't matter how much you do in field service, items at meetings, reaching out for privileges - pio, min serv., co., po., bethel, gilead...etc,etc. Everlasting life CANNOT be earned.!
Eph 2:8 "By this undeserved kindness, indeed, you have been saved through faith; and this NOT OWING TO YOU, it is God's gift."
All this clocking up points with the WTBTS is futile . All it does is rob you of your life. You are giving everything to them and denying yourself the chance of a life with education, friends of your choosing, celebrating of holidays and local customs, and your sanity.
I used to have white knuckles through sheer frustration every time someone was interviewed and held up as an example to aspire to in the congregation because perhaps they had aux pio. that month, gave up their job to reg . pio., refused to go to college/uni after school so they could spend more time in the service. It was "look how many hours they are managing in the field service" "Brother boaster has placed 2 thousand books this month " and "Sister Nose in the Air has clocked up her 90th Bible Study this week".
These demos, in my opinion , did nothing but discourage you and show up how bad your own performance was and made you feel deflated and rubbish cos you couldn't come anywhere close to them on the league table. So it was a case of why bother! I always thought it would have been better to get those up who hated the ministry but did it anyway, whose placement literature had to have the dust and cobwebs blown off it because they could never get it shifted no matter how hard they tried. At least with these ones you could probably identify with their plight and realize that you werent that bad because there was someone who had the same struggles as you. Not everyone has the gift of the gab or is a natural sales person. My hubby and I were regularly told off for not having a " SEEN SHARE " in the ministry. Seen by who ? This was the usual crap of - the strength of your spirituality and you love of God can only be measured by your ' activities ' . Eph 2:8 - How wrong they are.!