Just skimming through the Talk Outline, it seems the talks are much more strident than articles in the Awake or Watchtower. I guess talks are more preaching to the converted so they can unshackle the crazy stuff.
Couple of things jump out at me
'Human brain was designed to learn forever (Give exampls ; g98 6/22 9)'
Would love to see the scientific reference for that statement!
It's such a confused mish mash of arguments and logical fallcies. (basically one big straw man and ad hominem attack on evolution and zero discussion of scientific evidence)
The Outline says that evolution comes in many varities such as 'natural selection' and 'punctuated equilibrium'. WTF! Natural selection and punctuated equilibrium are not mutually exclusive concepts! Natural selection is a part of, and drives, punctuated equilibrium! No doubt saying 'punctuated equilibrium' on the paltform would make the speaker appear very knowledgable to the average JW. The talk assumes and relies on the listeners ignorance.
The Talk Outline states that humans were created perfect but provides no scientific evidence and just gives a reference to Deuteronomy! That's the standard of argument; 'the bible says so so therefore must be true'
This one had me scratching my head:
'Sin's harmful effect on our genes, not animal genese, introduced undesirable traits (Read Deuteronomy 32:5)
Sin has a harmful effect on our genes??!!! And this was mentioned in Deuteronomy??!!
It winds me up that my family believe in this BS and can't see through it.