Advice Please!!!!

by nevergonnab1 24 Replies latest jw friends

  • nevergonnab1

    Thanks for all the advice so far!!!

    As for the GP's telling scary stories... they told my daughter how bad and evil the world is and that she was going to be "struck down" so she wouldn't go outside and she stopped eating and drinking anything but kool aid for 2 weeks. Luckily we got past that. And now she see's it for the farce that it is. But I have a younger one who is very impressed not by the Org. but just by his grandparent.

  • ziddina

    Can you sneak - or maybe not so sneak - your kids to a good Christian - what do they call it in other churches??? A "Nursery School" with non-threatening bible stories - a better Christian environment in a different religion that preaches real love (and not just Hellfire Above Ground Armageddon)?? Better 'audit' a few of those bible nursery schools if you can - find the most loving and benign version. That way, the kids - esp the little one - will have positive experiences with non-JW Christians that hopefully will offset the "all the world is evil and out to get you" mindset and brainwashing of the WTBTS Jehovah's Witnesses... Best of luck and wishes!!! Zid

  • cameo-d

    they told my daughter how bad and evil the world is and that she was going to be "struck down" so she wouldn't go outside and she stopped eating and drinking anything but kool aid for 2 weeks.

    Make sure your family doctor knows this and documents these eating habit changes and personality changes due to WT/GP stress.

    This official documentation could be a necessary back-up in the future.

    Other people (doctors) who could be influential need to know this.

  • Kosonen

    Not all what Jehovah's witnesses teach is bad. Take from them what is good and leave what is bad.

  • Nellie

    Welcome Never - Hubert gave you the best advice I can think of. It sounds like your husband is what we call a Witness-apologist - someone who defends the witness beliefs even though they themselves choose not to follow them. Many people are forced out of the religion for various reasons and leave feeling that it is the "truth," but that they can never live up to its demands. Your husband may have some guilt about not being able to live up to the requirements, but being the great father that he is; would love for his children to have the opportunity to do better than him. He won't stand up to his family until he sees the real truth about the truth.

    Good luck! (((Nellie))))

  • carla

    Your husband needs to read some ex jw stories to see the emotional, spiritual, physical, and sexual abuses that go on in dubland. Protect your kids from this dangerous and deadly cult. Your kids cannot see there must something wrong with relatives trying to bribe them into going to their 'church'? They don't see that red flag waving? Have your kids read Crisis of Conscience, Silentlambs site, V's site, JW Facts, Feeminds, etc... then they will understand you are keeping them from what could be one of the most dangerous groups they will encounter, a subtle but dangerous bible carrying cult (even if it is their own perverted bible they carry).

    I'm not a jw, spouse joined up a number of years back and I never let my kids near a kh. You are right to trust your instincts on this one. Hang tough.

  • defective light
    defective light

    Ask your husband, Why did he stop going to the meetings? and would he want to inflict the same bullshit on his own children?

    Anyone who would force and support this religion on an innocent child derserves to have their eyes pecked out by birds

    at the big A

    Draw a line in the sand, under no circumstances let hubby or the grandparents ever take the children to a Kingdumb hall, and dont

    let the grandparents or hubby ever give the children one of those JW childrens books. Enroll your children into any church VBS and or Sunday


  • Elsewhere
    his family relentlessly asks my children to attend and bribes them with VERY extravagant gifts. I won't allow them to go so they stay pissed at me because they don't get the gifts.

    Ask his family if they will give the kids the same gifts if the kids go to a Buddhist temple.


    Write a "Letter to the Editor" for the Opinions section of the news paper asking the public if you are wrong for getting angry about them offereing bribes to go to a Jehovah's Witness Church and how it is upsetting your kids. [Oops! I bet his family wasn't counting on having their religious bribes advertised to the city!]

  • Skip it
    Skip it

    Count yourself lucky. At least your husband sounds like he is not personally hooked. He is probably trying not to make waves with his parents. Keep up the zero tolerance because there is no such thing as just this 1 time.

  • Warlock

    Let them go.


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