Is this your first time here Pastor Haggee?
by Homerovah the Almighty 33 Replies latest watchtower bible
Is this your first time here Pastor Haggee?
Rapid oncoming time of the end
This "Rapid oncoming time of the end" has been progressing "rapidly" for thousands of years.
Ok, so where does the dumpster fit into all of this again?
Or wait...was that the other guy?
I sense trepidation in your posts. As if you are a little nervous. Why all the gloom and doom? My brother, isn't this the event you've been praying for to happen?
If the end is coming, why are you here trying to warn us? Aren't we the evil ones you've been praying for God to destroy? Hey, do you ever worry that you, too, may get smacked around by the hand of the almighty?
Be careful what you ask for, friend.
too long..... see if you could get a job in Brooklyn Bethel, they need people like you to screw people's head.
This is called paranoid schyzophrenia......
All this is is an attempt to repackage the exact same JW concepts with different times, which is exactly what JW's themselves have done. Now we have alternative interpretations based on alternative interpretations of vague scriptures that don't bother to explain themselves?
Am I feeding the troll? If so, I apologize...
seriously.......Get help!
I think Bible Student is right,I have a Rupture,and the Bible says the Rupture will come before the End.
So Bible Student do you have a book or DVD your trying to sell, like the JWS, Jack Van Impe, E-Watchman, Harold Camping
and the late Hubert Armstrong ?
If thats the case I would be interested or I'd might be interested in the drugs that your taking either will suffice.
Isn't this the same guy who wrote an essay about The Two Witnesses 5 or 6 years ago?? He predicts all sorts of stuff.