Hmmm..., why not organise it? We have all the experiences in our group. Please, think seriously about it. Afterall, we are a significant block. People like Franz M. Ray could come in to give a speech in real time about his experiences. Kaylia Abrahams too might be able to get a place. Randy Watters would likewise make a good speech. Then at the end of the day, we could have a book signing ceremony for new releases. Its high time we could think about doing this. Just one day a year will be fine. Then it can it can become an annual event. Lady Lee would likewise, could show up to share her valuable experiences. As usual, Ex-Bethelites would be available to lead their organisation skill as well as former elders. People who have accepted blood transfusion would be welcome to share their near-death experiences and how they have fought sucessfully to overcome the WTBS grip on their 'bible trained' conscionce. All disfellowshiped, dissassociated or faded ones would be more than welcome. We might then form a new organisation to defend ourselves against attacks, harrassments and stalkings from the WTBS. Small thing can become a giant idea. Please,how about making it an annual fellowship event ? Please, what do you think?
First Assembly of Ex-Jehovah's Witnesses-United State
by Scott77 16 Replies latest jw friends
Come on down to Dallas for one our famous ApostaFests ! I attended my first 'convention' 5 years was the first one where I could stay awake. And have fun, too.
I like that idea!
I'd go.
With some good media feed, it would most likely garner some interest outside as well. Often there is mention of the JW convention in local papers and wouldn't it be interesting if the week prior, there was an XJW convention which the public were also invited to. While there they could listen to stories about death from blood and suicide, have people speak about the effects of being shunned by families (which will bring tears to public eyes) and have people who were not afforded the opportunity as children to play, set goals, enjoy holidays or go to school speak about the struggles they endure today.
We can call it EX JW EXPO!
I'll pass, thanks.
Even with the best of intentions, something like this, if it takes off, will eventually lead to problems. Egos, pride and the need for attention will drive some to try to run things their way, while others who aren't as dynamic but more versed in the subject will get shuffled out of the big picture.
Trading one cult for another is not freedom.
If you're looking for a Xian event, contact a poster named mouthy here. There is already an event like that.
the research lady
For the last 30 years many former Jehovah's Witnesses have been meeting for an assembly in the blue ridge mountains of Pennsylvania. The video is a clip of one of the talks given in October 2008.