All of this...................BY CHANCE?
by Warlock 39 Replies latest jw friends
Straw man.
No one claims it came about "by chance".
Those are incredibly beautiful photos.
Stars are very simple objects. Hydrogen + Gravity = Star.
We have some ideas as to how it all came about. Even if you believe the invisible man in the sky made it all would it not be "chance" that he one day decided to make the universe? I mean he could've just spent eternity with just himself, but wait he already did! The "God of the gaps" is a tired argument that has been used for millennia. Oh we don't understand what lightning is, it must be from the gods! If the trend that started thousands of years ago continues, then God will disappear from this gap in our understanding as well.
To start with the premise that God did it is intellectual sloth, and will not get us anywhere.
Oh and do a search on hubble deep field survey for more pictures like the ones at the end.
But I think God did it somehow... I don't know how else to reconcile the diversity of life on this planet - as far as we know, only this planet. The attention to detail in every single minute thing. An intelligent design if ever I saw one.
No one claims it came about "by chance".
So then it was designed and created?
So then it was designed and created?
Does that make you feel better babe? If so, then have at it.
No one claims it came about "by chance".
So then it was designed and created?
Who says those are the only two options?
Who says those are the only two options?
Give me some others.
The Anthropic Principle