I seem to remember a board game in my youth that was in some way endorsed by the JW powers that be. There were shekel's involved etc. Any Idea's what this was?
JW Board Game?
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Blithe Freshman
We have "Bible Search", I think bought from Stoops. No shekels, cheep plastic treasure chest. We never played, 5 pages of directions to learn first.
http://www.boardgamegeek.com/boardgame/33889 perhaps?
I once tried to invent an anti-witness game based loosely on chess. It had different pieces such as publishers, elders etc. and one move where you could get out of a jam if your opponent was about to get you. I called that move Scripture Twist. I showed it to my friend and he thought it was funny but the game was unplayable.
No cigar so far i'm afraid. If I saw a picture of it I would know straight away.
Imagine a MONOPOLY (on God) style game for Jehovah's Witnesses with cards like:
CHANCE: You have been caught by the elders spreading apostasy. Go to the backroom. Do not pass GO. Do not collect time.
CHANCE: Take a ride in a four door car to PARADISE STREET! If owned, keep your filthy propaganda literature to yourself!
TREASURE CHEST: The Governing Body wants you to visit BETHEL! Collect respect from the congregation!
TREASURE CHEST: Partake in the emblems! You have been ANOINTED!
I'd hate to land on Boardwalk with an Assembly Hall, I imagine you'd have to "contribute" quite a bit.
Yes there was. There was a company owned by jws that published greeting cards, bookmarks, calendars, and games. <gag>
Here in Australia, there was a BORED game made by a well known JW family called “The Race for Life” us kids were forced to play it back in the early 80’s. My Mum still has her game. Nothing worse than young ones getting together on a Sat night to “prepare” the w/t then have fun playing the race for life.
And yes, the family who made this game did very well out of it $$$$