Let's see how much smoke there is and let you decide about the fire. You'd better brush up your German though.
"Während in den USA niemand auch nur die geringsten Illusionen über die Macht der zionistischen Lobby über vor allem die gegenwärtige Administration hegt, ist der Einfluß einer verdeckter operierenden zionistischen Lobby in der Bundesrepublik bisher nur wenigen eingeweihten politischen Persönlichkeiten bekannt, nicht aber der bretien Bevölkerung. Und deshalb müssen wir den scheinheiligen Holocaust-Schwindel zum Anlaß nehmen, um diese ausländischen Agenten auffliegen zu lassen."Helga Zepp-Larouche in der "Neuen Solidaritaet" 25.1.79.
scheinheiligen Holocaust-Schwindel = hypocritic Holocaust-fraud
The magazine CODE - Conföderation organisch denkender Europäer published by Ekkehard Franke-Griksch, son of an SS-Standartenführer Alfred Franke-Gricksch, through Diagnosen-Verlag, Leonberg, functioned as mouthpiece for Helga Zepp-Larouches "Bürgerrechtsbewegung Solidarität" (see: Handbuch deutscher Rechtsextremismus, by Jens Mecklenburg, page 224). CODE is a direct supporter of Zundel, Irving, Carto, IHR, Spotlight etc. (as documented by Deborah E. Lipstadt).
From the following court sentence it becomes apparant that a certain Roy Frankhauser was employed by Lyndon Larouche during his presidential campaign of 1984:
Frankhauser, who worked as a security consultant to the 1984 Lyndon LaRouche presidential campaign and related organizations, learned that a grand jury was investigating the organizations and several of their members for defrauding credit card holders by making unauthorized charges to their accounts, and that subpoenas had been served on depository banks for processed credit card slips.
http://www.law.emory.edu/1circuit/apr96/95-1560.01a.htmlWho is Roy Frankhauser? A 'two-time felon lately of the United Klans of America. Among Frankhauser's convictions was one involving explosives in connection with a school bus bombing in Pontiac, Mich.' Frankhause became active for LaRouche in 1975, according to Nazis, Communists, Klansmen and Others on the Fringe, by John George and Laird Wilcox, p. 285-290. It is an interesting clue that last year the 'White Aryan Resistance' issued a warning to its audience about Frankhauser. http://www.resist.com/updates/5.28.00aryanupdate.htm
For now, I couldn't find "the Holocaust never happened" quotable directly from LaRouche himself. His wife did, and sources state that she in fact only has a representative function in the Larouche org, especially in Germany since she is native German. The above is ample indication for me that the allegations about racism, holocaust denial and being involved with the Klan have their foundation.