Alright, I think this board is great and I like almost all the topics, fluff and intellectual.
But will everyone get off AlanF, HillaryStep, Farkel, Norm, Amazing, Maximus, Hawkaw, Metatron, JanH, etc.'s back?????!!!!!
Some posters stir everythng up and the board gets in a free for all for days!
But to attack serious thinkers because they don't participate in the so-called fluff, they're raked over the coals.
Alan is defending himself against the 'sharks' taking nips and potshots valiantly and capably.
But WHAT'S THE POINT????? As Lilacs said, can't we get along? Anyone ever remember courtesy and listening politely to each other. (I get the irony that I'm not doing that right now--blush.)
Sheesh!!! Everyone go take a chill pill, have a drink, take a walk, whatever!!
And let's all ignore the pot-stirrers, who seem to thrive on this.
Usually I can just ignore the squabbles, but it seems now everyone is going after the innocent and the really stimulating posters.
I like the fluff and the mental-stimulating. LET IT GO PEOPLE!!!
Now, I'm probably being a pot-stirrer myself. But I just don't want such fine posters to be driven off, as it seems Maximus was.
How can people be so rude and thoughtless???