And all we had to do was sit thorugh the Watchtower Sudy? It was a JW Christmas!
Wasn't it the BEST when the speaker DIDN'T SHOW for the Public Talk?
by lurk3r 26 Replies latest jw friends
Only happened about three times
Hated it when the speaker did not show
and a local elder decided to give the talk for
Black Sheep
A breath of fresh air.
I would have never put on a show of being upset about it.
The Missus
I agree it was the closest I got to Christmas as a JW! But once, the speaker did show up about 1/2 way thru the WT study so he gave his talk after. What a huge letdown
The Missus
I take that back the closest I got to Christmas as a JW was when they cancelled the meeting altogether because of the weather. It doesn't get any better than that!
"Hated it when the speaker did not show and a local elder decided to give the talk for practice!!!"
Yea - that happened too many times at our hall. We had the worst speakers....
My job was to give those last minute talks. Koff, koff... I don't mean to brag, but I could give every outline with zero prep. I used to get jazzed by it. The less prep the more adrenalin, the more fun.