Only Jehovah's Witnesses . . . . . The Arrogant Quote Collection

by nicolaou 25 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • TheOldHippie

    And if you turned your attention to the Cathlic Church, for example, do you think you would find them saying "Catholics have most things right, but our beloved brothers the Lutherans also have a good grip of what is truth, and the good Evangelicals have a very good understanding, not to mention the Baptists, who are almost as close to the inner secrets as we are. We also find that most Ortodox Christians are very well informed, and that the Mormons by far are not as bad as some say. And contrary to what some critics claim, we also find many deep truths in the Buddhist faith, and quite a few of us hold that the Sunni Moslems have a deep understanding of what is correct. The animists - tree and stone worshippers - in Africa also have a deep, spiritual understanding of the creation, and thus are not as far away from us as some seem to think."

    Would you? Or in other words, give me one faith which does not think that it is THE correct one?

  • The Missus
    The Missus

    Thanks nic! Very interesting to read those all together. I knew those phrases were out there in the literature. When I was a JW, I remember reading phrases like that and feeling very embrarrassed - embarrassed by what other people would think, that weren't JWs, reading stuff like that.

  • carla

    Thanks Nic!

  • poppers

    Or in other words, give me one faith which does not think that it is THE correct one?

    Yes, they may think that, but is it integrated into their teaching like it is in JW land?

  • Heaven

    Oh, I howled with laughter at your title... 'The Arrogant Quote Collection"! I know EXACTLY what you mean and I don't even have to read any of them. I've read enough of these and have heard some pretty high and mighty statements from my father over the years to know that 'humbleness' is a facade with the JWs. Afterall, they're 'God's Chosen'.

    Thanks for this, Nic!

  • cantleave

    Nice one Nic!

  • Haelcer

    Nicolaou wrote:

    "I ran a search on my WT CD for the phrase "only Jehovah's Witnesses". There were dozens of results, these are some of the more . . . . interesting."

    Yes, very interesting...

    Few others results below:

    *** w08 4/15 pp. 12-13 par. 5 Young People, Remember Your Grand Creator Now ***

    If you are still in school, you have likely heard about pollution, global warming, deforestation, and similar problems. People are deeply concerned about these trends, but only Jehovah’s Witnesses fully understand that they are part of the sign that points to the end of Satan’s world.—Rev. 11:18.

    *** w04 5/1 p. 11 par. 15 Be Courageous Like Jeremiah *** Let us never lose sight of the fact that no other people in the world today declares Jehovah’s name. Only his Witnesses announce the good news of God’s established Kingdom and teach meek ones to become disciples of Jesus Christ. (Matthew 28:19, 20) *** w04 10/1 p. 13 par. 18 Who Are Giving God Glory Today? *** Second, we can glorify God by teaching the truth about him. Jesus said that true worshipers would “worship [God] with . . . truth.” (John 4:24) How can we identify those who are worshiping God with “truth”? They must reject doctrines that are not based on the Bible and that misrepresent God and his will. Instead, they must teach the pure truths of God’s Word, including the following: Jehovah is the Most High God, and the glory of this position goes to him alone (Psalm 83:18); Jesus is God’s Son and the appointed Ruler of God’s Messianic Kingdom (1 Corinthians 15:27, 28); God’s Kingdom will sanctify Jehovah’s name and fulfill his purpose toward this earth and humans upon it (Matthew 6:9, 10); the good news about this Kingdom must be preached in all the earth. (Matthew 24:14) For well over a century, only one group has faithfully been teaching such precious truths—Jehovah’s Witnesses!

    *** w01 2/1 p. 10 par. 8 Have You Made the Truth Your Own? *** Additionally, true Christians proclaim the Kingdom of God as man’s only hope for everlasting life on a paradise earth. (Mark 13:10; Revelation 21:1-4) They keep separate from this world’s corrupt politics and its defiling way of life. (John 15:19; James 1:27; 4:4) Who today have really met these criteria? The facts establish that there is only one answer—Jehovah’s Witnesses . *** w01 2/15 p. 27 par. 18 Jehovah’s Restored People Praise Him Earth Wide *** Jehovah’s Witnesses alone are willing to obey God as Ruler in everything. That is why they are recipients of God’s spirit and speak the pure language, the truth about Jehovah and his marvelous purposes. *** w01 6/1 p. 16 par. 16 “If God Is for Us, Who Will Be Against Us?” *** Millions of people throughout the world have evaluated the facts and have become convinced that Jehovah’s Witnesses alone are practicing the true religion. They have reached this conclusion on the basis of what Jehovah’s Witnesses teach and how they conduct themselves, as well as on the basis of the benefits their religion has brought. (Isaiah 48:17) *** w97 1/15 p. 22 par. 22 What Does God Require of Us? *** How, though, can God’s organized people be identified? According to the standards set out in the Scriptures, they have real love among themselves, they have deep respect for the Bible, they honor God’s name, they preach about his Kingdom, and they are no part of this wicked world. (Matthew 6:9; 24:14; John 13:34, 35; 17:16, 17) There is only one religious organization on this earth that has all these marks of true Christianity— Jehovah’s Witnesses !

  • Aussie Oz
    Aussie Oz


    thankyou for bring this back to the top!


  • nicolaou

    It's been a while, bumping this for any new lurkers . . .

  • clarity

    This was hard to read!


    Mirror mirror on the wall..

    Who's the fairest one of all?


    Can't wait to watch those witchy GB bite into that poison apple! crunch

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