You know, the issue that seems so important to main stream evangelical christians, that is, "the divinity of Christ" issue, struck me as supremely odd as an atheist-nominally-raised-catholic, who was surrounded by Bible thumping baptists through high school.
It never even occurred to me that Jesus was god until after I started studying w/JW's. That chapter in the Live Forever book on Jesus was a breeze, but it was dreaded by the one conducting the study because of concerns regarding my former catholc upbringing.
It always baffled me from my agnostic-JW-christian position (because that's really what I really became all these years) as to what psychological mechanism causes otherwise normal, rational adults to abandon logic and reason and "occams razor" when it came to issues as to the identity of Christ.
I wondered what possible benefit to them was this psychological abberration...
It didn't seem to make explaining the bible to atheists or anyone else to whom reason was an important factor any easier, so there had to be something that this was getting them.
I used to believe that this was evidence that Satan existed, and that he was enjoying the fact that Jesus, who didn't consider seizing the authority of God while in heaven, who refused to do an act of obeisance to him, who refused to allow himself to be made king, and who prayed in earnestness in the garden of gethsemane to HIS God, and who cried out to the one who could save him from the cross (whatever) was being worshipped AS GOD.
It is obviously a bit more complicated than that. I suspect that the plasticity of the use of the term "deity" in addition to STM (short term memory) disorders in main stream believers in this sort of christology to be a good part of the problem in the same vein as those who confuse the word evolution to mean both micro (from which we fully understand the mechanism for change, and for which we have proof) and macro evolution (the change between these, and the origination of life itself)...
If main stream christians want to make any headway with JW's they'd better do like the WT does and leave the lunatic logic of Jesus=God on the back burner until they've destroyed the authority structure of the JW's. Even launching into a discussion of Jesus=God stuff will make a JW who is at complete odds w/the borg to prefer the borg over the emotional logic-shape-shifters which they appear to be.