Brain cells in your heart...Remember that DC with them on stage??....

by oompa 23 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • oompa

    back in the 70's WT had this thingy going on where they thought the figurative heart may indeed be the literal it had cells in it that affected your thinking....esp on things of emotion...(i swear i am not makin this sheeite up)...i went to a district convention back then that had two six foot, thin paper boxes on stage, with lights inside.....on the outside of each box was a painting of a brain and a heart.......and when the person offstage was of the boxes would light sometimes it was the brain talking.......sometimes it was the heart talking............but most of the time since i was a teen and the chicks were dick did all the talkin.............oompa

    sorry got off topic at the end....but anyone remember that DC or material?

  • recovering

    I remember the claim that emotions originated in the heart oompa. Even as a teenager this made no sense to me. Stuff like this eventually led to me examining watchtower beliefs and concluding the WTBS was full of BS

    Do you remember the claim that transfused blood did not carry oxegen for 24 hrs. More watch tower BS

  • parakeet

    ... I remember the claim that emotions originated in the heart ...

    I don't remember that DC, but I do remember the WT's claims that emotions originated in the heart. This claim supposedly fortified their "no organ transplant" rule that existed at that time.

    I remember reading in WT literature plenty of anecdotal "evidence" of extreme personality changes in heart-transplant recipients.

  • BabaYaga

    I remember the light-up "talking" heart on the convention platform, Oomps. I was really excited about it as a kid, anything at all out of the ordinary to pierce the boredom! How completely bizarre... I feel like I dreamed it.

  • Olin Moyles Ghost
    Olin Moyles Ghost

    Man, that must have been a trip. Someone, somewhere, must have filmed this talk. I know video cameras were much less prevalent in the '70s, but some people had them. This would make an awesome YouTube video!

  • greenhornet

    Parakeet quotes:

    I remember reading in WT literature plenty of anecdotal "evidence" of extreme personality changes in heart-transplant recipients.

    I remember that saying. I ask a doctor about that not to long ago. He explain it when someone undergoes such major life threatening surgery or disease there personality can change. I have seen this on cancer survivors. What bull shit that book publishing company spews out in there rags.

  • Mickey mouse
    Mickey mouse

    Maybe they should have had a brain and a butt instead on the DC stage.

    There's usually a butt on stage but no brain.

  • carla

    Isn't that why they banned organ transplants for awhile? because a heart (or other) transplant could somehow transfer sin and immoral behavior and thoughts?

  • truthsetsonefree

    I remember that convention so clearly. It was back when conventions ran into the evening hours. We were at Yankee Stadium and that drama was at night so the lighted heart and brain were clearly visible. As mentioned already dramas pierced the boredom and I always remembered them.

  • cabasilas

    I remember the drama clearly. I have never seen a video, but there is an audio of it online:

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