Witness's seem more like Robots than humans...

by Leprechaun 10 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • Leprechaun

    Yeah Witness's seem to me to be more like Robots than humans, just watch them when your around them everything is programed that they say, its weird the only time I personaly ever seen anything closely like it were the "pligs" in Hilldale Utah and Saint George Utah. You can't get a stright answer from them with out it being scripted from their magazines. I feel sorry for them I really do, I was raised a Witness untill the past fifteen years or so, the term BORG fits well, if you go to one of their conventions it is a lot like going to an Amway convention they mostly act like they are in a drunken bliss. The last one I attended I was setting their in the Dee Events center and they were having the ones who were to be babtized hear a special talk before they get dunked, and then the speaker spoke about the GB like it was in the bible you know the part where they ask if you repent of your sins and accept Jesus Christ as your lord well I guess you have to agree out loud that the GB is gods mouth here on earth and that we have to do what they say or die. Well as soon as I heard that, well that's when I said loud and clear "Oh bull shit! And this guy and his wife looked at me and he said to me "yeah really" and we all got up to leave together, and I never went back. I must admit I remember hearing them say that before in the past but when your involved with the Witness's you don't honestly hear the crap or see and understand just how bogus it is. It's my birthday today someone wish me happy birthday.


  • BabaYaga

    Happy birthday and welcome to the forum, Leprechaun! The "robot" mentality is what Steven Hassan describes as the "cult personality". In every cult member, there exists the cult personality, and the "real", albeit repressed, personality. That's pretty funny about others agreeing and following you out of the convention!

    Again, happy birthday and welcome.

  • jamiebowers

    Happy Birthday! Is anyone else in your family out too? Are you shunned? Do tell us your story!

  • choosing life
    choosing life

    Welcome. I think a lot of us would have loved to call out bullshit at a meeting or convention. It is kind of a fantasy of mine, but you actually did it? That's funny.

    When you get away from the witnesses for some time, it is easy to see the robotic or cultish manner. It sticks out like a sore thumb. Sometimes it is funny, other times sad. You have to remember there are real people underneath.

    Tell us more about yourself when you feel comfortable. cl

  • no more kool aid
    no more kool aid

    Welcome. Happy birthday! Yes,coming from someone that was once a robot, they are robots. They have to be to abandon family members, knock on doors in three feet of snow, believe half baked doctrines and continue to sip the kool aid.

  • WTWizard

    I have noticed that there are only five major activities that the witlesses are supposed to be doing; all other activities are to fit around the Big Five. These are prayer (for God's name, God's tyranny, and God's nefarious well), studying the Bible using the washtowel publications (the Not Well Translated version), pretending that the world pictured in the Washtowel is the truth, going to boasting sessions, and field circus.

    Everything else is supposed to support these. You eat while in field circus, taking the absolute minimum of time necessary. You sleep as little as possible, so everyone can have their mailbox filled with crap mail and their inboxes full of spam. You shop only for necessary items for the theocraptic mission. You work just enough to survive, and at crap jobs. Education is minimal. There also seems to be about 100 terms that always come up in their vocabulary, all designed to make the end imminent and our preaching an emergency.

    The calendar is rote. Go to boasting sessions. Go out in field circus. Get ready for a$$emblies and the REJECT Jesus Party. Hand out wastes of paper between study drives. No holidays or birthdays. Nothing to set off one year from others. No nothing. No wonder their lives are so stagnant.

  • Witness 007
    Witness 007

    Beware of the Watchtower robots......and happy birthday from Australia Matey!

  • Leprechaun

    I live in the state of Utah presently, oh the Robots are tight here but I guess they are that way everywhere. Yup Sunday was my birthday I am now fifty five years old, and to think of all the birthdays I missed without a birthday cake or a lap dance or something just Erk’s me bad. My mom whom I watch over because of her age bless her hart she is eighty nine years old and she uses the tie in with the phone to hear the meetings, sometimes hearing it gives me projectile vomitus and causes the blood to squirt out of my eyes when I hear them counsel those in attendance to not have oral sex or they will be summarily kicked out or at the very least chastised severely ninety five times. Oh I’ll tell you, I think of all these fools who just sit there in the hall and listen to this crap like its coming from god himself so politely with their kids I would like to get a megaphone and place up next to their ears and yell wake up and smell the cat food. I wonder how many people from Ogden Utah visit this site and if there are a few then well”, hello remember me I am Shane, I am realy not as bad as they the elders say I am. Hootie Hoo

  • Leprechaun

    I am back. No matter where I find myself living I still, l see the Robotic ways of Jehovah's Witnesses, talk about deprogramming people it would take a major hit on some chronic to even begin to open their heads to the possibility of thinking some new thought.

  • stillin

    I wish I could work this tablet like I did my desktop! I would post a nice clip from some Star Trek that shows how the Borg works. Anyone?

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