Yeah Witness's seem to me to be more like Robots than humans, just watch them when your around them everything is programed that they say, its weird the only time I personaly ever seen anything closely like it were the "pligs" in Hilldale Utah and Saint George Utah. You can't get a stright answer from them with out it being scripted from their magazines. I feel sorry for them I really do, I was raised a Witness untill the past fifteen years or so, the term BORG fits well, if you go to one of their conventions it is a lot like going to an Amway convention they mostly act like they are in a drunken bliss. The last one I attended I was setting their in the Dee Events center and they were having the ones who were to be babtized hear a special talk before they get dunked, and then the speaker spoke about the GB like it was in the bible you know the part where they ask if you repent of your sins and accept Jesus Christ as your lord well I guess you have to agree out loud that the GB is gods mouth here on earth and that we have to do what they say or die. Well as soon as I heard that, well that's when I said loud and clear "Oh bull shit! And this guy and his wife looked at me and he said to me "yeah really" and we all got up to leave together, and I never went back. I must admit I remember hearing them say that before in the past but when your involved with the Witness's you don't honestly hear the crap or see and understand just how bogus it is. It's my birthday today someone wish me happy birthday.