Service meeting last week on how to treat DF ones

by tinker 17 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • tinker

    I just learned there was a Service Meeting part last week on how to treat DF ones. The person I heard this from said it was very hard on many in her congo. Did anyone attend that meeting or has there been discussion here? I am curious if there was something new or more hard hitting than in the past?

    I have not visiting here for a long time so hello to everyone. Life is good and I have mostly moved but it's sure nice to know I can pop back in occasionally for the latest Jdub scoop.

  • passwordprotected

    I'd be interested to hear about this too.

  • troubled mind
  • Dagney

    Anyone? Bueller?

  • african GB Member
    african GB Member

    It was about how SHUNNING is Jehovah's loving arrangement...

    That by shunning ex- J-Dubs, including family members, active J-dubs keep themselves clean, and sho that they "really love the DF'd....

    That ex-Dubs will only repent if they are shunned...


  • moshe

    Sounds reasonable to JW's- shunning them shows that you love them. I wish I was a dentist and I had to explain to my JW patient that he wouldn't be getting a shot of novacaine before I started drilling his tooth, because I love him so much.

  • diamondiiz

    My wife wasn't happy when she returned from the meeting. I guess an elder said that if there is a df male (husband) saying a prayer (home situation) others listening should say their own prayers in silance! LOL She was surprised to hear that but I told her that was the case for as long as I remember it, it's just now she can see through much of their BS since I've learned the truth about the "truth" and she is starting to see the deception, and hopefully it will be sooner than later she will have nothing to do with them but I have to wait for that day.

    As more information becomes available through internet there should be more and more of these sort of articles for congregations to pay attention to. Ap 15 article is total shit! I was thinking of slipping a copy of Knorr's signature to the oath of allgiance where WT points out how "faithful" kids don't pledge the allegiance at school lol

  • passwordprotected

    So this has been the topic of the BIBLE Study for the past two weeks?

  • maryacclaim

    Yeah, this is true. My dad called, which is ironic, to see if I had gone to the meeting and if I got a better understanding of why things are the way they are. So I read the study article, it was in the back of the book in a special section to give deeper understanding to hard topics, and what I found was a bunch of hog wash. It just kept going on and on about how important the arrangement is for the congregation. The kicker was when I called my dad back to him how it sucked and I feel even worse now about it and how wrong it is. He tells me to look at the 6th and 7th paragraph of the WT study article for this past Sunday, cause he thought it fit. He's so smug. So I looked at it, and it was about how not to try to win at an argument but to keep your brother and also about not suing your brother, rather be wronged before that happens. So, I asked him, if I were to use the Watchtower logo on a business logo of mine, would the Watchtower org. sue me? Of course he did not reply. Funny how the scriptures apply to us but not them.


  • wha happened?
    wha happened?

    well why not locate a L. A. budget witness. They will have planty of stroies to tell

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