My Declaration of Freedom

by Lady Lee 25 Replies latest jw friends

  • Lady Lee
    Lady Lee

    Declaration of Freedom

    I am

    · free to be more tolerant of others' beliefs

    · free to be more tolerant of other's lifestyles (because they are none of my business)

    · free to be able to do things I love (lots more time and no one telling me I can't)

    · free to show my love and care for others without worrying that it takes time from the Watchtower Society

    · free to get an education that has improved my self-esteem

    · free to get therapy which had taken away my depression and improved my self-esteem

    · free to be really happy instead of being told I am happy

    · free to live in a way that I feel good about

    · free to watch/read/listen to what I want without fear

    · free to buy what I want without fear

    · free to live without fears of demons attacking me

    · free to live without thinking the elders are coming to talk to me

    · free to let my children lead their own lives without preaching to them

    · free to live my life without preaching to anyone

    · free to live THIS life without worrying about getting into paradise

    · free to publicly speak out against the things I think are bad like abuse and cults

    · free to accept myself for who I am today

    · free to change what I don't like about myself

    · free to not see my family who makes me feel like I am worthless

    · free to leave an abusive husband

    · free to see those members of my family that I care for and treat me with love and respect

    · free to no longer be a victim (of people or organizations or religions)

    · free to celebrate life and holidays, birthdays and even death

    · free to love God without being told what to believe and how to believe

    · free to sleep in on weekends

    · free to spend my holidays on vacation instead of at a convention

    · free to write about what hurts me

    · free to be honest - really honest - not false honesty

    · free to talk to active JWs who come to my door (despite that I was told by the elders not to)

    · free to sing the anthem, salute the flag and be proud of my Canadian country

    · free to have pets instead of wondering what to do with them when i went to a convention

    · free to talk to all of you and post here and anywhere I want on the internet

    What's yours?

  • poppers

    "I am".

    Everything that comes after the sense of what those two words point to is imagined.

    Remain fixed in the sense of "am-ness" and real freedom will be realized.

  • Priest73

    Amen Lady Lee. (Especially of Jeeprube John Doe and beks!) Kidding aside... I agree...

  • mouthy

    Amen Lady Lee. Great statement....Its GREAT to be FREE!!!!!

  • llbh

    I do agree, with you.

    Your declaration put me in mind of the words of Jean - Jacques Rousseau. " Men are born free but every where they are in chains"

    Regards David

  • megaflower

    beautifully said, well done!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  • no more kool aid
    no more kool aid

    I say that to my husband all the time "don't you just feel free and wonderful"? But you put it so eloquently in this beautiful list that I can completely relate to. Maybe I am not very deep but sleeping in on the weekends is my favorite!

  • quietlyleaving

    thanks for sharing your declaration of freedom - so true and uplifting

  • AllTimeJeff

    Good for you! I have always believed the best revenge for an ex JW is to be the happy, balanced person the GB says you aren't when you leave. (even if that takes some time and tears at first....)

    Well done!

  • truthsetsonefree

    Mouthy said what I was feeling: Its GREAT to be free!


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