Both Jim and Marilyn [Penton] were becoming increasingly unhappy with the leadership of Jehovah's Witnesses during the late 1970s, however. Neither believed the Watch Tower Society's assertion that the present world would probably end in 1975, and both were taken aback by the fact that for years the Society refused to admit any fault in the matter. Both also became distressed over the Watch Tower's methods of cajoling ordinary Witnesses into going preaching from door to door, the Society's lack of love and concern for ordinary persons, and the mistreatment of their older son, David, for attending university. Thus, after a trip to the Watch Tower's Brooklyn, New York, Bethel headquarters in the summer of 1979, Jim decided to write a letter of protest to the Society concerning a number of issues. As a result, an attempt was made to remove him as an elder through the collection of solicited letters against him. Eventually this resulted in Jim's disfellowshipment and a major schism in southern Alberta. Over eighty persons, including fifteen members of the both Jim and Marilyn's families, left Lethbridge Witness congregations. In addition, news of this revolt against Watch Tower oppression was publicized throughout Canada and abroad. The story of what happened has been told in James Beverley's book Crisis of Allegiance. Unfortunately, the trauma connected with the Pentons' break with Jehovah's Witnesses had a serious impact on Jim's health. Shortly- thereafter he suffered two heart attacks and was forced to undergo a bowel resection, all as the result - in part at least - of extreme stress. Eventually Jim was forced to take early retirement from teaching in 1990.
Verified Example of Over 80 JWs Defecting
by compound complex 12 Replies latest watchtower scandals
Fact can be stranger than fiction sometime!
It can really happen!
Nice to know that there are people out there with their thinking caps on! Too many people I know would've just turned on them without taking the time to find out what was going on!
Just goes to show people with courage can make a difference.
Lady Lee
For those who don't know James Penton is a well respected PH.D. and has written some excellently documented books about the WTS.
Apocalypse Delayed: The Story of Jehovah's Witnesses, 2nd edition by M. James Penton
Canadian professor Penton outlines the history of Jehovah's Witnesses based on extensive research, interviews with prominent JWs, and personal experience as a local Witness leader. A Reviewer says:Apocalypticism is the key issue in this detailed history, but there are others. As a long-time member of the sect, now expelled, Penton offers a comprehensive overview of a remarkable religious movement. His book is divided into three parts, each presenting the Witnesses' story in a different context: historical, doctrinal, and sociological. Some of the issues he discusses are known to the general public, such as the sect's opposition to military service and blood transfusions. Others involve internal controversies, including political control of the organization and the handling of dissent within the ranks.
Jehovah's Witnesses and the Third Reich: Sectarian Politics under Persecution A Reviewer says:
I came across this book in my research on the influence of Darwinism on the holocaust (considerable) and on Hitler (also considerable). This is by far the most complete and authoritative work on the Jehovah's Witnesses and the holocaust in English. It is not only well documented (the author has worked on this book for well over a decade) but balanced. It points out both the Witnesses' remarkable record during this time as well as their human flaws. Penton includes photocopies of many important documents plus an English translation. Although 412 pages, this book is easy reading and the type one does not want to put down. An important conclusion is, the vast majority of Christians (and even the religious sects such as the Mormons) willingly and often enthusiastically submitted to the demands of the Third Reich (page 360). Only the Witnesses resisted and, as a result, along with the Jews and Gypsies, the Witnesses were ruthlessly persecuted by the Nazis. This book is required reading to fully understand the holocaust and why it occurred.
Jehovah's Witnesses in Canada : champions of freedom of speech and worship I can't find info on this book but I saw a price of $339 for it
Interview with M. James Penton Ex-Jehovah's Witness, Professor Emeritus, Historian, Author Professor Penton discusses the authoritarian nature of the Jehovah's Witness religion, how it's progressed, and the impact it has on people's lives. He shares his many experiences as a J.W. Elder who finally left the religion with 80 other J.W.s simultaneously. The video can also be found on you-tube.
I have Apocalypse Delayed. By far the best history book on JW's, and way better then the Proclaimers book. (like that even needs to be said...)
the research lady
James Penton was a guest on our conference call. To hear his story go to scroll down to the telephone and click it. Then you will see several calls we have had and you can listen to Jim's story.
I had lunch and with Jim and Marilyn (and Mouthy) last week and had a wonderful time. The first time Grace took me to meet them, Jim gave me a copy of his book that outlined what happened out in Lethbridge that ended up leading to his DFing. Actually, he got the axe about a year before Ray did I think.
And yes, in Jim's book, both his family and numerous ones in the congregation where he had served as an elder, were so appalled at what was going on that over 80 left. I remember it because when I was living in Calgary a few years after it happened, it was still being talked about then, as Lethbridge is only about 80 miles from Calgary.
Great to hear he still gets out with the wife and the pretty ladies.
I loved APOCALYPSE DELAYED.It was a great history book.
Never heard of James and I lived in calgary for over a decade. :( Witnesses must not talk about it