The "Generation" from 1897 to 2008

by Ultimate Reality 17 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Ultimate Reality
    Ultimate Reality

    For what's is worth (since this topic comes up frequently) here are, in simple terms, the primary teachings the Society has used to define the "Generation".

    1897 – A group of contemporary people

    “ Other uses of this Greek word (genea) prove that it is not used with the significance of race, but in reference to people living contemporaneously.” – Studies in the Scriptures Vol. 4, p. 602-03,

    1927 – The anointed

    “The irresistible conclusion therefore is that Jesus referred to the new creation when he said: “This generation shall not pass until all these things be fulfilled.” This then would be a strong indication that some members of the new creation will be on the earth at the time of Armageddon.” – Watchtower, February 15, 1927

    1951 – A fixed period of time from 1914

    "The length of time is indicated by him when he said, "Truly I say to you that this generation will by no means pass away until all these things occur." (Matt. 24:34) The actual meaning of these words is, beyond question, that which takes a "generation" in the ordinary sense, as at Mark 8:12 and Acts 13:36, or for those who are living at the given period." – Watchtower, July 1, 1951 p.404

    1995 – A group of contemporary people

    “…Jesus was not departing from his established use of the term “this generation,” which he consistently applied to the contemporary masses with their “blind guides” who together made up the Jewish nation.” – Watchtower, November 1, 1995

    2008 – The anointed

    As a class, these anointed ones make up the modern-day "generation" of contemporaries that will not pass away "until all these things occur." This suggests that some who are Christ's anointed brothers will still be alive on earth when the foretold great tribulation begins. – Watchtower, February 15, 2008

  • sir82


    So we can expect a return to the "fixed period of time" definition sometime soon (the rate of changes seems to be accelerating).

  • sspo

    Does it seem that the GB really does not know which way to turn?

  • Awakened at Gilead
    Awakened at Gilead

    "irresistible conclusion"

    "beyond question"


  • passwordprotected

    @ Awakened;

    "irresistible conclusion"

    "beyond question"


    "this suggests"

    Do you think they're getting the message of Acts 1:7?

  • OnTheWayOut

    I love seeing all this side by side. Not that I can get anyone to listen, but I am going to copy it and save it for future use.

    So we can expect a return to the "fixed period of time" definition sometime soon (the rate of changes seems to be accelerating).

    I wonder sometimes. I wonder. Let me try:

    When Jehovah declared to destroy the existing world of Noah's time, he set a limit of 120 years. It is an irresitable conclusion, therefore, beyond question, that the actual meaning of these words that Jesus used consistently ("this generation") had an upper limit of 120 years. Jesus turned his attention to the earth in 1914 and Jehovah released the declaration that the existing world would be destroyed. Now, concerning the day and time, we cannot say (scriptural reference to "nobody knows but the father") but 120 years from October of 1914 brings us to October of 2034.
    -WT January 15, 2014 Study article (somewhere buried in the middle of the article)

  • Dagney

    Printing this out, keeping it with me.

    Thank you for that.

  • bob1999

    "WT January 15, 2014 Study article (somewhere buried in the middle of the article)"

    Jam 15, 2014?

    Didn't the WTS say something about 2034 at some point?


  • bob1999

    WT 12/15/2003 page 15

    "6 In Noah’s day, Jehovah declared: “My spirit shall not act toward man indefinitely in that he is also flesh. Accordingly his days shall amount to a hundred and twenty years.” (Genesis 6:3) The issuance of this divine decree in 2490 B.C.E. marked the beginning of the end for that ungodly world. Just think what that meant for those then living! Only 120 years more and Jehovah would bring “the deluge of waters upon the earth to bring to ruin all flesh in which the force of life is active from under the heavens.”—Genesis 6:17.

    7 Noah received the warning of the upcoming catastrophe decades in advance, and he wisely used the time to prepare for survival. “After being given divine warning of things not yet beheld,” says the apostle Paul, “[Noah] showed godly fear and constructed an ark for the saving of his household.” (Hebrews 11:7) What about us? Some 90 years have passed since the last days of this system of things began in 1914. We are certainly in “the time of the end.” (Daniel 12:4) How should we respond to warnings we have been given? “He that does the will of God remains forever,” states the Bible. (1 John 2:17) Now is therefore the time to do Jehovah’s will with a keen sense of urgency."


  • yesidid

    Thanks---good stuff.


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