Cellist, thank you for posting those. They are very accurate and clear.
As Catholics, we believe that the Lord has all kinds of things that he wants to give us and that, to get everything he wants to give, we have to be in the Catholic Church. The other Christian denominations do have good in them and Jesus is present in them, but they do not have all of the gifts from God. I've been told that my Lutheran Church, for instance, offered about 80% of it. If you want it all, you have to be Catholic. However, we do respect people of other denominations but we don't take communion with them.
When I first converted to Catholicism, my husband was still Lutheran. We attended my Catholic parish on Saturday evening for Mass and then we attended his Lutheran parish on Sunday morning and on Wednesday evenings. We were a dual-service couple. There were a lot of dual-service couples, something you would never see in the Dubs or in a Fundamentalist marriage.
In the Lutheran church, there were only two sacraments, baptism and the eucharist. In Catholicism, there are seven sacraments.
I actually was quite surprised when my husband told me he was going to convert to Catholicism. It has been good for us, though.
BTW, after communion, my favorite sacrament is confession. It's actually quite refreshing. Even if you KNOW that God has forgiven your sins, it is still reassuring to hear the priest who is standing in the place of Jesus say, "I absolve you from your sins." Sometimes you just have to hear the words.
St. Ann