Did Adam & Eve have bellybuttons?
by Colton 21 Replies latest jw friends
Since they were created naked the lint traps weren't necessary.
Probably not. According to the bible, they weren´t born from the womb of a woman, and no umbellicocord was present. Why would the have a bellybutton?
I say no...because of the absence of the umbillical cord. The belly button is called the "umbillicus" for a reason. Simply put, it's a scar left when the umbillical cord is cut, shrivels, and drops off. Adam and Eve were not born of woman, so therefore there would be no umbillucus.
I'm beginning to think that whole story of Adam and Eve is BS. B
But, that's another thread.
I'm beginning to think that whole story of Adam and Eve is BS. B
But, that's another thread.
I personally think it is lol. But I'm just saying...for argument's sake...if they did exist, they didn't have belly buttons lol.
Why do men have nipples?
..........of coarse they had belly buttons.......the umbilical cord went all the way up to heaven................
Speculation: Since I accept evolution as scientific fact, then I believe that Adam and Eve were fully evolved humanoid offspring whom God selected and gave souls, making them sentient self-aware beings. So, they should have had belly-buttons ... I hope so ... but, I don't know ... I was not there.
See "Paradise Lost to Paradise Regained" (1958) page 21. Adam is sitting naked in the garden, and he does NOT have a belly button. Positive proof.... The WT was there, you know.