I Just Did the Math!

by journey-on 16 Replies latest jw friends

  • boyzone

    Hours auxillary pioneering and some days coming home tired and cold without hardly saying a single word to anyone, never mind any meaningful words.

    What a waste of time, effort and shoe leather!

    Mind you, I placed loads of literature. Launderettes, coffee shops, doctor and dentist waiting rooms......... what better way of getting rid of the old mags and still count them. And no return visits to chase with that lot either.

    All that "seed-sowing" and I didn't bring anyone into the "truth" either. (thank God!) But my reputation with the elders and the congregation went up several notches - go figure.

    All that effort just to be seen by men. That can't be right.

  • mraimondi

    converting people isn't exactly the only point...

  • neverendingjourney
    converting people isn't exactly the only point...


    No one, not even the most brainwashed dub believes the primary purpose of field service is making converts. It's to fulfill Matthew 24:14, period. Jehovah is supposed to do the rest. Hence, all of the stupid experiences in the literature about people finding a tract in the trash or some such nonsense and "learning the truth."

    JWs preach door to door because they believe that by doing so they somehow distinguish themselves as the only true religion. If they make converts along the way, all the better, but one can understand the lack of emphasis on the efficacy of the work when we realize that whether or not they make converts is largely irrelevant. JWs are happy simply carrying out the monotonous task in order to fulfill an essential element that they feel is necessary for salvation. They feel that Jehovah will take care of bringing in the “rightly disposed” anyhow.

    The inefficiency of the preaching work has been discussed ad museum, but whether preaching is efficient or not is besides the point to the dubs. The vast majority are in it to fill out their publisher cards and check off a mark on their everlasting life to-do-list. That’s it!

  • Warlock

    Would you believe a rock crying out the good news of the kingdom?


  • WTWizard

    That is a huge waste of time. You are learning nothing. You are teaching people a big fat lie. That is a lot of time, not to mention the loss of opportunities because you are obeying the Filthful and Disgraceful Slavebugger in matters like entertainment, sex, employment, and education.

  • mraimondi

    actually, i've learned alot personally in my time in field service... and i am sure it has enhanced me in various ways that i wouldnt have had otherwise. Regardless of right or wrong, walking up to a stranger and talking to him about reading the bible takes balls, and if you arent just repeating the party line, even moreso ;)

  • Heaven

    More Math... according to the 2008 Annual Report for JWs ( http://www.jehovantodistajat.fi/e/statistics/worldwide_report.htm ) over 1 billion people live in India and out of that 1 billion, approximately 30 thousand are JWs.

    The Math shows that each JW needs to see a little over 91 people per day in India in order to accomplish the charter of the WTS, which is to preach the Good News to all peoples living on Earth.

    Is this at all, in any one's wildest dreams remotely possible?! Are JWs organizing mass gatherings because I really can't see how you can possibly cover off seeing THAT many people each day, each year, continually, year after year?

    Does anyone know how they do this? Jet propulsion maybe? Maybe Santa Claus could give them some tips on how he is able to make it around the world stopping at every house in just 1 night? It boggles the mind.

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