any takers?
NEWBIES;ANY strange/weird stories to tell?
by badboy 10 Replies latest jw friends
Blithe Freshman
I would love to share, but they would be very identifying. Till then.
If my son leaves the WT, posting will be the second thing I do!
But I won't tell them. Yet. Too revealing.
I hope this doesn't reveal too much:
I was in a cong with 5 elders and 2 MS's and they had sisters behind the desk doing mags and a sister in a hat taking the second school.
I'm still in shock over it.
I was going out in field service in a remote section of our territory that rarely got visited. The people in that neighborhood were hispanic and the neighborhood looked something like tijuana. I knew spanish better than the rest of our group so I took the lead.
A sister and I approached a house and the first thing we saw was a goat hanging upside down, its throat slit, and a little girl pumping the blood out of it by grabbing it by the horns and shaking the head up and down. The sister said that she felt like vomiting. I felt like I was in another country.
I went to witness to one of the householders there, about the promise of paradise and all that spiel (the sister never puked) but the householder kept saying that she did not understand what I was trying to tell her. My spanish was adequate and she did not appear to be evasive nor insincere, just a peasant minded person who really had no clue.
We never got invited for the goatfest.
Luo bou to
Was in this Cong say 30 years ago and this sister would complan about her husband not having sex with her anymore since he started taking the emblems. He clamed that he was now a virgin and had to remain pure. I've heard of Born Again Christians but a BAV??? New light????
african GB Member
A sister was reinstated, and within a week she had 'privileges', like commenting and reading scriptures as well as having a part as a householder in talk no 3. That happened recently. All those in good standing were shocked.
I'm not new, but boy have a got some strange stories to tell.
Yes, there was one brother that has a habit of sneezing VERY loud during each circuit assembly. Everyone including the speaker can hear it! He acted like it is nothing.
My old Dad was known for FARTING at the meetings,he used to kick his briefcase so it scuffed the floor and made a noise, but he didn't fool anybody.