"While the Bridegroom was delaying..."

by Yadirf 13 Replies latest jw friends

  • borgfree

    Quote "To expect Christendom to actually proceed with making changes in its false doctrines, doctrines which she has preached for centuries upon centuries,"

    That should be a big WAKE UP, Yadirf. While Christians have been preaching the SAME message for a couple of thousand years, the Watchtower Society has found it necessary to change THEIR message every week or two.

    I think most posters on this board have examined the evidence on BOTH sides of the WT claims. I think I am probably right in guessing that you have not.

    Please, read some of the vast amount of written material now available out there, showing why the WT claims of being some "special class" are not true. Your life depends on it.


    "You can fool some of the people all of the time" especially if you are a member of the WT GB
  • FideiDefensor

    Yadirf said:

    "You say that you don't "see" the WTS mentioned in "that verse". Of course you don't, do you imagine that I figured that YOU would be able to discern such a thing. Of course not, Weed. I knew in advance of posting all of this that you haven't the insight that it takes to understand hardly ANYTHING about the Bible. Why are you that way? Because you're not in association with the right group, for only one reason."

    Can you name ANYONE who agrees with your interpretation? When you claim aChristian does not have the insight to understand your unique interpretation because of failings on his part that is a tacit admitance that all others who do not agree with you are lacking this insight, including the WTB&TS. If the GB is truly God's channel with a special anointing of the Holy Spirit then it would be impossible for anyone to understand scripture better then they. Remember that your favorite verse says '....some of those having insight will be made to stumble...' which suggests there are 'some' who do not stumble and since the GB is God's chosen channel it must mean they won't stumble. So who could it be that is stumbled? Since you are no longer associated with them and you are all alone with your prophetic speculation you might look in the mirror for the answer. Are you really the only one in the whole world who understands scripture correctly? Think real hard about what this would mean before you answer.

  • TR

    While the bridegroom was delaying......

    Yadirf was playing:

    I'm gonna make mince meat outta that Osama!

  • kevin221

    For the first time in all of creation the oh so often threatened but as of yes never delivered upon,

    Triple YAWN, YAWN, YAWN.


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