Is the Society violating the 3rd commandment by naming the street of theuir branch on Guam "Jehovah Street"?
3 | “You shall not take the name of the Lord your God in vain, for the Lord will not hold him guiltless who takes His name in vain. |
by RR 13 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
Is the Society violating the 3rd commandment by naming the street of theuir branch on Guam "Jehovah Street"?
3 | “You shall not take the name of the Lord your God in vain, for the Lord will not hold him guiltless who takes His name in vain. |
All they are trying to do is draw attention to Jehovah. Which is a complete waste of time, because He draws attention (negative attention) to Himself all the time, and then tries to claim that it is all for the good.
I hope that street ends up full of potholes and other major problems that brings shame and reproach on that name.
I once read about this in a yearbook or something (might be another publication). It was of course the authorities that named the street that way....
WT has never named the street what it is now called - the local authorities did. A tiny bit of homework would easily have told you that.
Well, in spite of the criticism of your methods of research, which I find off-putting since all you did was ask a simple question from old recollections;
Yes - I think the whole idea of naming a street in that manner would be a basic violation of Biblical constraints for most that accept the book. Though it may not have been the Jw's who did the action of naming the street - they were certainly proud of the fact enough to boast about it in the publications.
Jehovah Street?! are you kidding me? I don't know why I find that funny this morning but it is. You don't know how many non jw's just call the jw's 'jehovah's' like you would say Lutheran's or Catholics. People often refer to them as 'a really big jehovah came to my door', meaning he seemed diehard. Or 'a bunch of jehovah's were in the neighborhood' or 'she's a jehovah'. I used to try and fill them in to make them realize what they were saying in the eyes of a jw but often they really don't get it, now I just smile and nod my head and listen to the story. For some it takes a minute and then they laugh and say, 'oh, so basically I just said that God was at my door instead of 'one of' his witnesses?'
In this case I would think the jw's would be proud they are getting jah's name out and the non jw's may have simply been implying that a kh or a jw's congregate there.
All I want to know is...
Is it straight and narrow?
Or Wide and twisted?
Jim TX
There is a road near where I live named Jehovah Rd. In fact ,I used to live on the road but then it was called something else.
Bros have been counseled for having YHWH bumper stickers.
So I guess you can't have a sticker with that name on your car but you can drive that same car down a road with that name.