My wife and I recently heard about two couples we know who switched partners in the past. We then got to talking about a different couple we ate dinner with a while back who I thought gave off the vibe of wanting to swing. My wife said she got that vibe too... thus the question: how common is this in WT-Land?
How common is swinging among JWs?
by JimmyPage 41 Replies latest jw friends
I have heard several myself! I would think wife swapping is somewhat very common!
I was never asked, and my wife's a babe. Maybe I climbed the JW ladder too quick to be in the right circles, but I doubt too many JW's were doing that. NOW, BETHEL- I DON'T KNOW ABOUT THERE. I cease to be amazed at what happened at Bethel.
Probably a lot less than would waltz.
Blithe Freshman
I didn't get the impression the couples we knew were even having sex with each other. Hard to believe.
But if you felt the vibes, I believe it. Creepy!
Blithe Freshman
I was never asked, and my wife's a babe.
Not gonna say it!
60`s 70`s 80`s..Happened all the time..I doubt it`s any different know......................OUTLAW
yadda yadda 2
No, I never saw much swinging at JW parties...sometimes a bit of rock n roll or jive though.
no more kool aid
I knew of one case in the early seventies in our congregation. One couple was an elder and his wife. It was all fun and games until two of them didn't want to swing on back home. Wow then it all go found out. Lesson to all you kids out there.
I have only heard of old time rumors from NY and So. Calf.