stars without makeup SHOCKERS !!!!!!!
by caliber 22 Replies latest jw friends
Oh, hell, some of them still look great, some even better. It's just that stupid societal conditioning. I do, however agree with your point.
I was expecting a big pat on the back for posting this...where is it ? .......... tee hee hee !!
What's up with the tongue thing with these guys anyway ?
Oh, you get one, and you probably will in the a.m. Shoot, I'm 39 and probably don't look as good as those guys. At least I'm saner.
Well it's made me feel better anyway - i've always said i'd look great with my own make up artist and fashion stylist, plus someone to airbrush my photos lol. J Lo still looks gorgeous tho without her make up. It's nice to remind ourselves tho that we all look the same without our make up on!
stars WITH makeup shockers
Britney ALWAYS looks good. Not that her looks makes her a person of higher value.
I've always said I'd look great with my own make up artist and fashion stylist, plus someone to airbrush my photos
This is so true... I was watching an information channel TV program about male runway models..they are so dolled up
with make and stuff that they said they feel very feminine . One of them said many times when the photos come out
later he doesn't even recognize himself many times !
Say Ninja ... do you get quite a few lookers there in Scotland ?
True beauty is a person whose personality is wonderful through and through. Beauty is more than skin deep, which means: to have beauty, you must be a good person. Have you ever met a person who is ugly on the outside, but once you get to know them, their nice personality makes them more attractive to you?
Similar quote: "Beauty is only skin deep, ugly goes clear to the bone" - not sure who said it, but it is correct. So whomever is reading this, please remember: Beauty is only skin deep, so work on your attitude more instead of pampering yourself. Your inner beauty will shine out- without the use of makeup.
(a thought provoking quote from a chat site)