Tell us about the offbeat people you have had in your congregation

by BonaFide 33 Replies latest jw friends

  • BonaFide

    Great stories everyone! I thought my congregations had the monopoly on unusual Witnesses. Guess not.

    I remembered another one. This particular elder used to love to meet with those that had difficulties - ON THE PLATFORM AFTER THE MEETING. He would take the person onto the platform, and the poor person would have to sit up there and talk about their problems with everyone sort of watching them. I was the C.O., so when I saw this for myself, I tried to talk to that elder, but he had friends at the Branch, so I couldnt do much. He claimed that this showed the elders were always helping. He was the same elder that constantly INTERRUPTED the WT reader in the middle of the paragraph so he could say, "Watch this point! See that?" The congregation was pretty tense.


  • I quit!
    I quit!

    I knew one elder who was a chronic liar. He'd tell stories about the things he had seen when he was involved with the millitary and stories about being a biker even though he was raised in the Watchtower and was only about 30 years old at the time.

  • loosie
    continuously knit or crochet during the meetings and book study

    Steve I have always wanted to do this. It is a great way to pass the time. But I fifgured I'd get talked to about it. I can't believe she got away with it.

  • BonaFide

    I forgot about Jesus Christ.

    Every year for the past few years at the District Convention in Los Angeles, there is a man dressed completely in white who stands in the very front row, in fact he takes a few steps forward, and "leads" the entire convention during the songs. He holds his arms way out, turns around and apparently thinks he is the one directing the singing. Once I tried to get him to calm down and step back to the row of people singing, but he refused. The attendants tried to back me up and tell him to knock it off, but no way. So now they just kind of let him do his thing, he doesnt yell or anything, and he doesnt rush the stage, so nothing is done.

    If you go to the Los Angeles conventions, check out the first row during the songs. Bet he is there.



  • loosie

    Dang it Bonafide. I never saw him when I went to dogers stadium. Geez I missed out on Jesus second coming.

  • rebel8

    The pseudo-nurses working in the first aid department at the ass-embly who reported me for immorality because I had a bladder infection. (Innocent.) My mother who refused me bathroom breaks on the way home because of my alleged immorality. (If you've ever had one of these infections you know how extremely painful they are and that you cannot go that long without going to the bathroom.)

    Wacko ladies in the congregation who told me I am a demonized vampire because I have hemophilia and the roots of that word mean "attraction" and "blood".

    Elderly ladies who would intentionally come to the kh drunk and talk really loud, then drive home still drunk and get in accidents (1 an elder's mother).

    A pseudo-friend who claimed using nonstick pans or trimming your bikini area wasn't natural and therefore offensive to Jehoopla. And insisted upon wearing bathing suits at every opportunity (imagine a scarf thrown on top of a hedge).

    Then there was the obese, junk food addicted pioneer iridologist chakra reader who would diagnose and treat medical illnesses without a license. She claimed to have a metabolic disorder, causing her obesity, but her coworkers rifled through her desk and found lots of Snickers. (1 sista pointed out that if her techniques were so great, why is she so heavy?)

    An ex-stripper who ate dinner at our house weekly and kept telling my parents she hated us. She told us stories of how she picked up men in bars and liked handlebar mustaches.

    A thrice-dfd woman who repeatedly said, "I have a large sexual appetite and Jehovah should provide me a husband." My mother would say He did give you a husband and you divorced him. There are conversations that should not take place in front of children. I still hate the term "sexual appetite".

    The teenager who married a man 20 years her senior because, according to her, she wanted someone to tell her what to do. Even the jehohos were gossiping about that.

  • Joe Grundy
    Joe Grundy

    'Geez I missed out on Jesus second coming.'

    This has nothing to do with JWs but I can report that I have met Jesus, or rather two of them. Both were in an acute psychiatric unit at the same time (which caused some arguments, I can tell you).

    One could prove that he was the real Jesus. How? The UK National TV Licensing Records Office had in its wisdom issued him with a TV licence in the name 'Mr J Christ'.

    (His son was in the Unit at the same time too, por lad. His hobby was setting fire to ladies' public toilets and himself. He was found in bed with a young lady fellow patient one day and was most indignant that he had to get out, on the grounds that they had been reading the bible together so it was a mutually beneficial occupation).

  • loosie
    And insisted upon wearing bathing suits at every opportunity (imagine a scarf thrown on top of a hedge).

    rebel you are cracking me up. I have to remember that saying.

  • Steve_C
    continuously knit or crochet during the meetings and book study
    Steve I have always wanted to do this. It is a great way to pass the time. But I fifgured I'd get talked to about it. I can't believe she got away with it.

    As I remember, other than the constant knitting, she and her husband were pretty normal. She wasn't the least bit timid ("submissive" in WT talk), so I imagine she'd give the elders an earful if they tried to talk to her about it.

  • rebel8
    And insisted upon wearing bathing suits at every opportunity (imagine a scarf thrown on top of a hedge).
    rebel you are cracking me up. I have to remember that saying.

    My mother was disturbed because she was wearing her scarf in front of teen boys. She thought they were going to be infamed with passion TM and have accidental unplanned sex TM because of seeing the pubic hair!!!

    I told them what my mother said and they LOLd. The last thing the sight of the 1970s bush did was turn them on.

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